Ayafox (3063903)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (73 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Stacy Li
Published Jan 16, 2012
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My Latest Updates Show All
Finally finsihed my house!Written Nov 01, 2011
I finally finished my house last night, but my boyfriend was playing zombies online (on CoD). So, I wasnt able to upload it. (its funny how every time I want to upload he is always playing CoD, and gets mad when I upload. I was nice this time and waited.) But by the time he was done I was falling asleep watching tv, and didn't feel like turning the game on again. So, I just waited for... ...More
New house (so hard to find time to build with work)Written Oct 31, 2011
I'm working on a new house for you guys! Having a hard time finding time to finish it though, I work a lot and finding time to build is hard. But its going to be a horse ranch, and the lot I chose is the biggest lot I have ever done 64x64. I wanted to test myself and see if I could do it. So far its going great, I put 5+ hours into it already and I have the house compleate, and the... ...More
New house keeps getting rejected (hope you like the pics atleast) Written Sep 30, 2011
It’s been a while since I last uploaded a house, but I’ve been busy with work sorry guys. But I’ve some good and bad news. Good news is I made a new house for you guys! Bad news is I’ve been trying for the past three days to upload a new house that I’ve made, but they keep rejecting it. It’s starting to really tick me off; I don’t even... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
RirannDec 25, 2011
Peace and happiness to you at Christmas time a nd throughout the New Year! Merry Christmas!
PralinesimsDec 22, 2011
** We wish you a merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! **
xhaiiDec 20, 2011
you are very welcome, as always Happy Holidays to you my friend!!