Badpat99 (2535518)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Moderne Mansion
Published May 26, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Simple Hedge Maze
Published Jun 13, 2009
About Me
Hey I'm Badpat99 (the name I use for everything online) and I enjoy Thesimsresource. I am going to make a lot of creations, and someday hopefully they'll let me upload some things I want. I enjoy looking at houses where I live, and combining them together on Sims 2 with the different elements and seeing what new things I can create, like two floor porches and such. I've managed to create a lot of housing things, as well as cool formations and items like triple wide flower stands that are together, desks that are in shapes, and a few other things like quadruple wide beds, ALL WITH THE moveobjects on cheat. That cheat is one of the only cheats I use, to recolor the boring sidewalk and move the trashcan/mailbox to a different location. It ALSO lets me move anythin anywhere I want it. If I want a tree inside a tree, a refrigerator inside a bed, or a toilet inside a table, I can have it!!! Some cheats are simply wrong and unnessisary, but they are fun to use in your free time. Message/comment me, because I need the kudos. =P Also I enjoy interesting comments with boldings and smilies everywhere =) SO keep that in mind as well.
My Latest Updates Show All
Problems and new ideasWritten Jun 06, 2009
Very very very very very very VERY VERY stressed right about...NOW. I am stressed that I can not upload the four t-shirts I want on the site, they've been oending for days, and I'm sick of waiting. I took them off the pending list and they now dont exist. If I wanted to upload them again I'd have to make them all over again and take pics. UGH. Very annoyed. I'm making some new shirts and... ...More
A Simmers TroublesWritten Jun 04, 2009
Well, until I can fogure out how to update my graphics drive for my LAPTOP...Sims 2 will continue to produce odd patterns, shapes, polygons, and glitches for the sims themselves sometimes, colors will be inverted and while the sims walk...the image of them will like...I dont know how to explain it...paint across the screen???Okay just try to imagine, yknow how your SIM is an animated image?... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
srgmls23Jun 10, 2009
Olá (HI) thank you soo much for your lovely comment on my lot Amsterdam Village I'm so happy that you like have a wonderful day Sergio
RebeccaJeanine71Jun 07, 2009
Hi Pat ...OMG, thank you SOOOOOO much for your comment on my Bar n' Grill, hee hee !!!! That was so sweet of ya!!!! I can't believe my bar n' grill was actually approved finally!!!! WOO very own first creation !!!! I really hope ya like it though !!! I used it in a music video that I published on You Tube (RebeccaJeanine71 is my handle there as well if yer curious and want to see it hee hee !!!). Anyway, I'm glad you were my first commenter!!! Couldn't of asked for someone nicer !!!!
Good luck w/ your story though, I can't wait to read it!!!! Let me know when it is approved (and stays approved hee hee ...unlike my story w/ a mind of its own lol!!!)...I'll letcha know when mine comes through as well !!!!
Hope yer having a wonderful weekend !!!
hiedibear75Jun 07, 2009
Well I have not uploaded a story in some time so I can't tell you what is up with that. On the submissions; in general they are read or examined which ever the case my be for unsuitable content in stories & screens & for lots, pets, & cc they make sure it is usable before they approve it. Also there are only a couple of people to sort through all the submissions so those who are in charge of that sort of thing really have their work cut out for them. So actually you got lucky that your lot was approved so quickly. If you think move objects is an awesome cheat should see how well you like (boolprop snapobjectstogrid false) along with the move object code lets you put things ANYWHERE.....NO MORE GRID! Then when you are done & DO want things to go back to the grid (boolprop snapobjectstogrid true). Also (boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true) IF you have Uni (I think that is the expansion that gave us that cheat). And then there is also a build area of the forums for those who consider themselves addicted to building......S2HBAA (Sims 2 House Building Addicts Anonymous) we're bassically a bunch of build nuts. We can be found in the build section of the forums under Sims 2 (there are also Sims 1 & 3 threads mixed in with the Sims 2). Just to let you know I have been in a lot of pain & on a lot of pain meds so my concentration is almost non-exhistant so I have not read any stories in some time.......I can barely remember what the last entry in my GB was about. LOL So anyway I hope you won't be offended if I don't get around to reading your story. But I'm always more than happy to help where I can. So enjoy the rest of your weekend.