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Ben72006's Blog

I am back.

I am back. I took a seem like a year long break. I got a new laptop and some new games for the sims 3. I been quite busy with real life. Lets see. I been working on seeing my dad. I even visited thim  and spent time with him. I even hung out with my step brothers. Lastly I was in my dad wedding. I got a new stepmother and 3 stepbrothers but only met 2 and hang out with two.

I got two sims games and playing with them and I like them both a lot. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

I have my families to still play and get their story together. They have been a little busy or less busy at the time. Though I have not forgotten. They may be inviiting a new family to town or maybe they are getting ready for the winter seasons. I will update you soon with a new chapter that long and good for the time really gone.


There is a new family coming along with their story to tell. When will this happen we do not know. They have not decided to want to release this date or time. They thought about it last year but it never came about for they want to keep us in supense and surprise of there arrival.


Until then, Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas

My Sims Families

My Sims Families are doing okay. They will be coming back. They are having a vacation at the moment. The families need a break as soon as are ready they will be back with the Cameras. Just maybe the Families have moved or did the Children grow up or did they have more children or did the family grrow? Well that will all be showing up soon in the next few months.

Laptop Working again

I got my laptop a day or two from my lastest post. I have been on and off checking in. Though I am working on something. I am writting the draft for my story that will be coming to you soon. Once I have completed writting it. I will have someone proof read it and see if it makes sense. I will be doing this as well when re typing it on the computer. Once that is complete I will start creating and playing to get the family up to where it is to start though You will get a into with this a bit. You will meet the families as well and their town.

I plan on creating a St. Patrick day pattern and few others as well and get some pets uploaded as well.

Laptop Troubles

I have having Laptop Problems with typing in the address bar. Though I hit a letter and it shows up and goes away everytime. I was having this problem with the start button as well and anything else though I did not check my to see if this was a problem with the sims. I am hoping to be able to bring back my legacies stories from my backup on my jumpdrive. I will contiune them if i can. If not I will start my  other story of True Love in it place. Lets just hope I can bring my legacy stories back.

I have two sims family coming as soon as I get the custom content and my sims reloaded on the my computer after I get my operational sytem disk and up and running.

Sorry for the delay.


New Things for 2012

I am still working on my Legacies. Though I am working on making things for the sims 3 as well. Working on it anyway. New Chapters are in works. I brand new story is coming out this year in 2012. It will be set up in series. I have a few Chapters writen and drafted and I am just in the process of looking and waiting on houses. The new story is called True Love. I hope to soon get out or get the it a preview out soon.

New Chapters Coming today

Sorry for the delay in the stories. I was really busy. Well I just got my new game today. I will have new chapter out as of today for both or one or the other. I am really sorry about the delay in the story. Thanks for be patiation with me and I am back to complete some.

I plan to have a few chapter in today sometime and a few for both.

Martinez Legacy

I have not for gotten about them. I been kinda busy. For that I have not done another chapter. When I do it soon. I will send out a few chapters. For I am getting Generations in June Shipped to me. I may only have 2 or three chapters come out before then. I hope to to get at least a chapter out before the end of May. The other problem is that I have a wedding to go to May 28. I probably will not be on May 28 or 29.


I just pre-ordered Generations. It will be arriving betweeen June 7, 2011 thou June 9, 2011. I am looking forward to getting it. I been reading the blogs and articles that have come out with it. It really looks quite nice and it got me exicted about it. Let just say we were looking for scrollers for our little toddlers so they were not carried on our hips all the time while walked in town. I really like the memories that come with the game. The tree house look quite nice. I really like the idea that you can put your child in timeout if needed or ground the teen if he misbehaves as well as get to teach your teen to drive. These were something we could be have been waiting for some time. I mean it was like your teen knew how to drive well, In real life, not all teens learned to drive but they did not know how to just do it either with out watching their parents.

New Patterns

I have a few Patterns that I am planning on uploading. I just need a new Jumpdrive for My other still works it just that it could really be getting damage with these patterns on it before i could get them uploaded. I hope to get them upload and in a set soon.


New lots will be added soon I hope.

Latest Headlines

I am back. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays My Sims Families Laptop Working again Laptop Troubles New Things for 2012 New Chapters Coming today Martinez Legacy Generations New Patterns
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