BlaosPlayer (3764048)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

English Brick House
Published Aug 2, 2011
About Me
Hello welcome to my profile! Little bit history first. I started to play the sims 1 for 14 years ago, and I loved the game ones i start playing it. I had all the packs for the sims 1 except the last one magic. When the sims 2 came out, I was so exited and i remember that I love the better graphic in the game and the new better game system. I got all the sims 2 games and I specially loved seasons. I stared also to make better houses in the sims 2.
When the sims 3 game came I was so happy! Finally good graphic and way better game system. I have all the sims 3 games, and i play much more then ever
I have made many many houses and most of them are in My name is BlaosPlayer there too. Since the sims 3 page have had so much problems about their page I will use The Sims Resource much more. Hope you enjoy my creation!
Love from **BlaosPlayer**
My Guestbook Show All
mutskeJan 07, 2014
Hi, I just wanted to thank you for your nice comment on my missing railings, have fun using them Happy Simming!
ung999Dec 20, 2013
Hi my friend! Wishing you every happiness when Christmas is near, and expressing my appreciation for your support during the year! ~Ung
ayyuffDec 16, 2013
Hi,Thank you so much for your comment on the ''Missummer''.I add the larger photo of World/address...