Blinky_Fashion (1949370)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (18 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Paris Hilton Cut Out Bikini - Green
Published Apr 20, 2008
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dannybond1990May 04, 2008
Thank you for commenting on Dazed and Confused Ch. 2. Chapter 3 should be out within the next day or two.
Claudia35Apr 23, 2008
I'd like to tell you that my snapshot entitled "Yes, this is from Sims2" actually IS from the sims. It's a close-up on a painting !!If it wasn't, TSR wouldn't have accepted it, yes ? Get your facts right before you post a comment
annefranzenApr 18, 2008
Hi and thank You for signing my gp! I really appreciate all the comments even though I seldom have time to reply.