Bradof96 (1968757)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (31 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

14 Sierra Tango Street
Published Jul 25, 2012
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

3803 Dulberg Drive
Published Jan 15, 2009
About Me
Hey there!
Thanks for looking at my page. I am 15, yes, that may be a bit young for this site! I enjoy making lots for all of you to download and enjoy. If I randomly get bored in class which is a lot since I have ADD, I end up tearing out a piece of paper, and drawing little blue prints to houses I will be making. When I start building my houses, I always start with the rooms, and outer walls and go from there! Then I put in little details, like windows, paintings, plants etc! I try uploading a house everyday, or every other day. I can not always though, since I'm a sophomore in high school, which is the hardest grade I have been in! A lot of homework, and studying so I can not always make houses. If you want to thank me for any of my lots, just write on my guest book or something.
Bradof96 aka Brad.
My Guestbook Show All
spitzmagicJan 12, 2012
Brad, you are most welcome and thanks too for your wonderful compliments on My stories Silent Sunset and Storybook Lane. Keep up your fantastic work my sims will love you for it
spitzmagicJan 11, 2012
Hey Brad thanks for your awesome comments on my screens. Matter of fact I have downloaded several of your lots. They are all really really nice and so easy to move around in. You do an awesome job at building them. Have a fabulous week, ~Barb
DOTDec 22, 2011
~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~