BrigitteP (5182638)
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millyanaMar 26, 2013
Hi Brigitte! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on some of my lots. I noticed that you have an entry that you need help with downloads? Be sure that you save the download in My Documents, EA Games, Sims2, Downloads folder. My computer has a generic downloads folder and sometimes go there by mistake. Maybe you have the same problem. Open your Sims2 Downloads folder and find the 3 little books with the lot name. Right click on it and choose Extract here. In a few seconds a sims2 pack icon with the lot name will appear. Double left click on it and the game installer will open. Click install. Start your game and you should find the lot in the catalog in neighborhood mode, probably at the very end. Best of luck! Your friend, millyana
RamonnaMar 25, 2013
lol. Thanks soo much Brigitte! Made my day!!