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Callisto149's Guestbook

cawilleyFeb 15, 2008

\:confused\: I did after you told me about it ,thanks

KarieFeb 14, 2008

I don't remember if I got them already or not. If I did, then I have them twice. I am confused too. It's because of the little men in white coats. They confused me. Where am I? Oh, yes..yes...I am at home..home...there's no place like home. You know, Cali, I am starting to think that sugar has a strange affect on my brain...\:P (yes, I got into the pie again..just a little piece, not much)

KarieFeb 13, 2008

A nice long LOA...I could use that! LOL. I am glad that you got out of there. I used to work for Legoland here in Carlsbad, a few months after they opened. THE WORST JOB I EVER HAD. Okay, not THE worse, but it ranks right up there. Anyways, they had this rotten attitude there, like if you were in a management type position that anyone under you was nothing. It was if they brainwashed you. There was this one guy, perfectly nice and then...they made him a manager type person and the "tude" started the very next day! I was so miserable there that when I got another job, I went in about..less than a half hour before my shift started and gave them back their uniform (would have liked to have kept the jacket though, it was nice) and went to the superviser/manager person and said I quit! She's was MAD and I was a snotty brat to her. She pointed out that I wasn't giving them any notice at all & I said YEP, I know. See ya! I have never done that before, but felt SO GOOD!! LOL. I should have done that to another crappy job too, but my boss scared me. He threw things at me when he was mad (no joke).

MuccyFeb 13, 2008

Thanks for download and nice \:wub\:comment Callisto149, I'm really happy \:D you like my first Clothing Recolor *Bears Pj´s Set *Many thanks for taking the time to comment, and I hope you're enjoying the downloads in your game. Have a wonderful day. By Muccy (I´m sorry, I can only speak a little English.\:o)

KarieFeb 12, 2008 Hopefully, this link will take you right to her fairy shirts and you will have to hunt through her toddler stuff for her princess clothes. She has some really cute things on her minisite! \:wub\:

KarieFeb 12, 2008

Dirtdevill is what she goes by. Actually, she signed my guestbook too, so you can link to her through there. What store do you work for? I hate it when people start acting all high and mighty and it's just worse when it's someone you have to answer to (like at work) and you can't tell them off!\:mad\: I hope things go better for you. My boss gets that way sometimes & starts treating us all like we are in highschool or something. It really makes me mad. I think she has learned to get away from it though. I made a few comments in anonymous polls that they have had and I think they have changed some of their ways (knock on wood, of course!). I work for 24 Hour Fitness in the corporate office.

KarieFeb 11, 2008

I don't know if you are interested or not, but on DirtDevils page, she has toddler Disney Princess dresses. I know you love the princess's!! How are you? I am up visiting my Mommy this weekend & having a great time. I have to leave in a couple of hours to head back home (like and hour and a half drive, not THAT far). Hope all is well with you.\:wub\:

BountyHunter77Feb 9, 2008

Hey there calli.

QaenFeb 6, 2008

hi callisto149 \:\) very thanks for comment my underwear set \:wub\:

eviFeb 6, 2008

Hi Callisto! So good to see you around my ...neighborhood!\:wub\: The Frogger is absolutely right! I have looooooooots of cute stuff\:D \:D \:D \:D Anyway, Thanks so much for your comments on my beach boys. I hope you are enjoying them in your game. See you around\;\)

frogger1617Feb 6, 2008

\:D Thank you, glad you like the newest set of saphire necklaces. This set had some of my favorite settings. \:wub\: you Constance

VGerTrek0101Feb 5, 2008

yw for the comments\:\)

detimgiFeb 4, 2008

Hi Calli!Thanks for your comment on the TC73 Swanvale.I appreciate the compliment.De

andi and grimFeb 4, 2008

nope I downloaded them a few weeks back \:eek\: its takeing me ages to comment on everything but great job! \:wub\:

KarieFeb 4, 2008

Hello. I just thought I would let you know that my new house posted, if you are interested.\:P

frogger1617Feb 3, 2008

Hi Calli! Glad you like the boys outfits! Hope all is well.\:D \:wub\: Constance

wallflower13Feb 3, 2008

Hi Calli, thank so much for your comment in my guest book \:D Sorry it has taken me so long to thank you for your most gorgeous creations! You are definitely one of most fav artists because your creativity is so wonderfully....creative. I hope you had a great weekend \:P

estaticaFeb 1, 2008

Hi Callisto149! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment my article,I'm happy you found it useful. I look forward to see more of your creations at TSR! \:rah\:

KarieFeb 1, 2008

p.s. Yup. I can't hear didley squat! I am not DEAF, just hard of hearing. Most of the time, I hear pretty good with my hearing aids. I have a hard time hearing deep voices. I rely a lot on lip reading. We used to have a neighbor that had such a deep voice I could never hear him. Everyone had to tell me what he said. To make it worse, he had a really bushy mustash (spelled wrong, I know) and I couldn't read his lips! We do kid a lot & tease each other a lot. It goes on and on all the time. Laurie & I are MUCH worse than me and Hiedi are. Way worse! You know, it did my heart good to read that Laurie had to suck it up and admit that my dog\:P

KarieFeb 1, 2008

Between hiedi and I, I am the most sane. I will admit, I am a bit more mischievous than either her or Laurie (and a wee bit of a trouble maker). As for LaurieR, she may have been on antibiotics before I got there to see her, but wouldn't you think she would have had the common decency to NOT get sick when she is expecting company? I am sure that she knowingly shared her hidioctiputus (some weird word for an unknown illness that my mom made up years ago) with me. She's like that! LOL. Also, watch out for Hiedi talking backwards. She gets things mixed up a bit. To add to the fun toss in me hearing words wrong and well, it gets interesting! Her being blind is kinda fun too. Once she was talking to my white kitty, Dale, whom she THOUGHT was on the floor next her. It was her son's white towel!! \:P

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