Carmen-Electra (2067048)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Relax Pool
Published Jan 12, 2010
About Me
I am male now 17 years old I love all of the sims 2 collection they are just great. I also now love The Sims 3 and World Adventures and I cannot wait for The Sims 3 High End Stuff I know it will Faeture new stuff and it will be just great.
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Carmen-Electra Aug 13, 2010
I told you I cant send messages
luckyoyoAug 12, 2010
Hi, At the top of your webpage there is a serch bar on the right hand side, put the name in there, you don't go to the forum.
luckyoyoAug 09, 2010
I have found someone who is a staff member, go to the top of the page on the right hand side where it says {Enter key word here} type in Moza, it should be easy from there, like I said before I can't help you with an apology as it doesn't involve me, you will have to do that yourself.