Catrilla (13255)
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About Me
As you can see I get my kicks from posting pictures and (barely) restraining my humor to be pg (13) for the captions. Unfortunately I often date myself with the pop culture references; I don't have a laughtrack in my head, I have reference material.
Highly critical, praise from me is to be treasured because you've earned it. If I comment on a picture of yours it's because it's eye-catching and/or good so go ahead and glow.
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AjoyaNov 30, 2007
Just gotta tell you that I LÖVE your Avatar!
elainearoraMay 13, 2007
Thanks for the nice comment you left on my screenshot.Elaine
BBKZMay 12, 2007
Hi, Catrilla Id' like to thank you for your nice comment on my screenshots (Mozaik). And I have to admit that you also took great pictures. Have a wonderful weekend! Barbara