Clyne Fashions (2054104)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (69 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Clyne - Set 11 - Teen Tropical...
Published Aug 17, 2008
About Me
I'm a fun lovin Aussie with a passion for fashion! I love to create all different styles of clothing for the sims. I live on the beach in sunny north Queensland and thats were I get most of my inspiration. Please enjoy my Aussie fashion style!
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charraySep 25, 2009
I love your creations You did a great job on them. Thanks so much for sharing
MileySims123Dec 12, 2008
I got her lingerie working finally but i was wondering how did yall' learn how to make clothes so well I could really use a talent like that
MileySims123Nov 08, 2008
Is katherine dead??? because i wanted to know why her lingerie collection didn't show up on my game?