CoastalSims (4364113)
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My Latest Sims 3 Creations (44 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Seaside Escape - Unfurnished
Published Feb 6, 2015
About Me
Oh hey there!
I'm CoastalSims and I live on the sunshine-y east coast of Australia.
On of my main loves is building houses on the sims 3, and I've recently started uploading some of these houses for your enjoyment. However, I am currently a university student, and so my time spent on the sims can be quite minimal at times.
One last note, I'd like to thank all the artists on TSR for their amazing contributions to such a fantastic game!
Thank you all so much for visiting my profile,
Happy Simming!
My Latest Updates Show All
Submitting UNFURNISHED versionsWritten Oct 19, 2013
At the moment, my main priority is to upload unfurnished versions of my houses. This is due to the fact that most of my furnished lots are made available exclusively to subscribers, and I would rather it if everyone could have access to them (especially since I am not a subscriber myself!). Happy Simming! :) ...More
Building Houses of a Smaller NatureWritten Aug 15, 2013
Two new houses have been uploaded these past few days, and I have two more coming :) The two upcoming houses are quite small in comparison to most of my other uploads. I'm trying to create more variation within my creations, while still sticking to the modern style (which is, obviously, my favourite). I think, even though it's only been a short time, uploading my creations on TSR has... ...More
Earning Badges Leads to a Lack of House BuildingWritten Aug 06, 2013
This past week or so, I've been spending the majority of my time on the sims trying to complete many of the badges on the sims 3 website. Therefore, I have not really been focused on building houses to upload here. I do have a few already-made houses that are just waiting for me to photograph them so they can be uploaded, and my head is filled with ideas for future houses to... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsFeb 06, 2016
Hola ♥ Awww, thanksssss!! ♥
DOTDec 24, 2015
☆ Happy HolidaysCoastalSims ☆
PralinesimsDec 15, 2015
Thank you so much for the awesome feedback!!! KISSES!! *-* ♥