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CowBelle's Guestbook

oldmember_RockinRJan 23, 2016

I just \:wub\:LUV\:wub\: your patterns. Especially the wide plank wood. I hope in the future you may create more. And the Wallpaper ones look awesome in my game. Thank you, Robin aka RockinR \:cool\:

lostartsAug 26, 2013

I know you made these things a long time ago, but for some reason I just discovered them! Can't wait to make use of the wide plank floors and classic patterns in my Historic Canada Series. Thank you for creating them.\:wub\:

DOTApr 5, 2012

Hi \:\) Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment on the Mortabella and Around The Moon Lighting. I hope you have a wonderful weekend \:\)

paramitiDec 21, 2009

Belle i dont know anyway to contact you but here..if you are on facebook pm to me your name there..i want to wish you Joyful Holiday Greetings and a Fabulous New Year to you and your family ..Many Many Blessings to you in the coming year xxoo paramiti~

DragonQueenNov 27, 2009

LOL  I thought I recognized it!  \:D   My family loves the Cow Parade.  \:wub\:   Every year I find a new favorite, although my long term fav is still the ballerina cow.  Just too \:cool\:...  So awesome to see one here! 

paramitiNov 26, 2009

pps..Goodness!! Thank You So So Much for all the comments you left on my creations!! You are Very Sweet to me \:wub\: \:D \:wub\:

paramitiNov 26, 2009

ps..i have an idea which will solve your work problem and mine..Both Our Husbands need to become multi millionaires by the end of next year..i think its a Great Idea!! alas..every time i suggest this Brilliant Idea to my husband ..he gives me a two hour lecture on how men have to work their way up in the world and that i spend entirely too much money hahahahaha\:D

paramitiNov 26, 2009

Hi Belle!!! \:wub\: \:D \:wub\: You could have knocked me over with a feather when i saw your post in my guestbook!!! i thought you fell off the TSR Planet perhaps its good to know you are here \:D missed you being round and also new creations..Very Happy to hear you like my new stuff..i just Love my new Residential lot..the Community one is okay..and i played that a long time..then i made the residential one with the tomb and i Love Love playing that one!! i dont even hardly play the other one CycloneSue has made me an Alice in Wonderland dining set..i have added to my Alice in Wonderland town and have been playing with it all the time lately..which is soooooooo Much Fun!! and CarpeDiem made me a ton of Fifties items..and Tdyannd made me a fifties kit kat next i am going to set up some of my fifties homes..i recommend you download the Alice in Wonderland Dining Set from CycloneSue and her tower clock set and basically all her windows..she has a graveyard too and i dont know what all else cause i have been busy playing..i also recommend the modest sets from CarpeDiem..the garden set from Cemre and anything from Angela..Apples items are turning out to be probably the most Talented even Over Angela and Sue..but he doesnt have as much stuff created..he made the cutest face masks for halloween..he really draws all his patterns himself so the guy is Amazingly Talented..As for floors..most really still suck!! hahaha..yours dont just top them..they top them by miles!!!..and..Lisa has the most Incredible Christmas Have to go check them out!!! i missed you..Happy Thanksgiving to YOU and Your Family!! are you going to be staying or just popping in to let us know you are still alive?? paramiti~ \:wub\: \:wub\: \:D \:wub\: \:wub\:

DragonQueenNov 25, 2009

\:D  Ok, curiousity has gotten the better of me...(yep, Dragons are curious too!)  LOL  Your avatar looks like it could have been one of the cows from Houston's Cow Parade.  (A yearly event where cow statues are painted and decorated by local artists.)   I try to see the cows every year, \:confused\: but I don't recognize this one.  Where'd you find it?  It's really \:cool\:!

GosikNov 7, 2009

Hi \:\) and thank you for the lovely comments on my Picasso paintings!  I hope you have a lot of fun with it \:D

paramitiOct 29, 2009

Hey Belle...Where Are You?? miss you being round..i just had a house published 1975 SoCal has your floors in it..please write to me when you return xx paramiti~

paramitiOct 15, 2009

Thank You SO Much for your new patterns!! I Love Them \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\: and i need help with something..i cannot find your plantation border in was def in my game when i first got it bc i used it in a beach house..which i later bulldozed and wished i had not bc i cannot find that pattern in fabrics..are you for sure t is in fabrics? is it in fabrics in your game?..i have been thru my fabrics over and over..clicking each pattern and it is not there \:\(

paramitiOct 15, 2009

Finally i am here to download!! i missed keeping up to date on your patterns..but finally i am back!! \:D

paramitiOct 4, 2009

Hi Belle \:wub\: Thank Your for commenting on my Hobbit Glen lot \:\)  Thank You also for the positive for my is the first day of improvement in two or three weeks..he had a blood transfusion last night which seems to have turned him around..i am praying,..i love him so much..he is the first cat i ever had as an adult and the father of my kittens..and i have him to be grateful to for the wonderful personalities and traits of my loving kittens..The Halloween lot which has your floor in called Pumpkin Cottage and it is already published you will have to look for it on my page..i dont think you can see how Beautiful your floors look unless you download the lot..they are not very visible in my sorry about that..i was stressed while taking the a few days i am going to nashville for a few weeks to take care of my cat..and will only have internet access from the if i do not talk to you before then..take good care of yourself and talk when i get back.. Thank You for Everything Belle \:wub\: paramiti~

paramitiOct 2, 2009

Hi Belle \:wub\: How are you lately? i have not been good and still not downloaded in a loooong of my kitties is very ill and i have been coping with it..taking up most of my time and my thoughts..i wanted to tell you i have a Halloween lot being published tomorrow..which most all of the flooring is your Gorgeous Cherry Wood pattern \:wub\: \:wub\: the lot is called Pumpkin Head Cottage..i hope you like it..i will be back when i can be..i am going to nashville very soon to be with my cat..God Willing he gets thru this..i will keep in touch as i can..and hopefully get some downloads in before i i will not have a computer while i am away..paramiti~

mutskeSep 20, 2009

Hi and thank you for your nice comment on my Milco set. Much appreciated!

paramitiSep 20, 2009

Belle..thank you for All those comments you left on my lots!! You are thoughtful to me \:D well i think you will enjoy playing with those two lots..i love playing them myself...tonight my husband went to look at my lots and he saw Stonewall and he commented on how awesome the graphics looked..which the only other lot he commented on the graphics ..was the haunted libraries.. so then i said..its cause of Belle..the vegetarian..i always call you that....go to her page go to her page hahaha..he was just as amazed at your work as i am..first thing he magnified was your new beech wood planks..he says..good grief that looks so REAL! he got the good grief from me..tee hee..he looked at most everything by clicking on it..then he says to me..i see why you love this now he knows why i make noises and talk to myself when i am downloading your creations hahahahaha..i get very excited :P  after he looked at most of your creations..i said to him same i say to you..i is she doing it? of course he says..i dont know..then he says..i think its her secret..hahahaha  \:D  well i am off to play some and then sleep..Have Fun week i am coming to soon..paramiti~ \:wub\:

paramitiSep 19, 2009

BELLE!!    \:D   \:D  i was so Joyed to see you leave a comment on my/your Haunted Stonewall lot!! i was wondering where you were lately cause i hadnt heard from you..i have been putting finishing touches on some of the lots i play with..making pics and uploading them..if you want some unique lots from me..i have published Kokos Crib..and the Haunted Library lots..i think you will like them..also ..if you have some time..please take a look at my me they are funny..maybe you will also like them..there are like 20 of them....i have to go to sleep now..but i wanted to write to you first..i will be round soon to see what you have been up to..bc whatever it is..i Know i Want It!! \:wub\:

laitileeAug 27, 2009

Hi! Thanks for leaving the comment! \:D Looking forward to more excellent downloads for my simmies to admire~

paramitiAug 27, 2009

Hi Belle..yes am ok..but overworked and tired husband is in export car business and i had to help all week..i didnt get much free time last weekend...woke this morning and came to tsr saw your post ..i do have a lot i wanted to put up.. but i submitted it last thursday and after waiting until sunday and still it was not accepted...i just pulled it down.wasnt rejected i just got tired of wating for acceptance..i played with some other peoples lots on saturday..and i just started playing with a retro lot i made which i will submit soon..also making a bunch of stuff for my alice in wonderland story...which is sooo much fun for me..i hope you are well too..i will come by and see your latest creations when i get some free time..right now got to clean and cook bla..i need a sim maid!! better yet ..i need that awesome butler from sims 1 superstar :P

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