Dante2002 (4045733)
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About Me
Hi and welcome to my little dark corner I am a Simmer through and through. I enjoy nothing more than going through all the amazing creations to design and build my own Sim homes that I then never use lol I love nothing more than designing from scratch, using patterns I have found to make new bold or quiet rooms. I rarely use children but do try to make childrens' room in some of my creations
I am still relatively new too the tricks and treats of TheSims3 so my use of cheats is still a little limited but I will one day master floorelevation I hope to upload some creations when I am a little more confident
Enjoy my current screenshots, I will be adding more as I remember. Have a wonderful day
My Guestbook Show All
lexxAug 10, 2014
Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It means so much to me! Take care. -lexx
PralinesimsAug 04, 2014
Thank you so much honey!!! HUGS!!!
ung999Jul 23, 2014
Hello! Thank you for signing my gb and left such encouraging words. Please have fun and enjoy them it game! Happy simming!~Ung