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DiamondSim's Blog

Today is my Birthday

And I'm 155 years old today, and I'm still spry and love to Sim! My Hubby took me out to lunch for seafood today (Blackened Shrimp and Scallops--my favorite) and my son brought home a new Harvest Moon game for me to play--Harvest Moon Island of Happiness. I can actually play that one as a GIRL instead of a guy for a change! My son also orderd the new Monoral CD for me, which should get here in a week or so--I love Monoral--they are a Japanese band that hardly anyone in the US has ever heard of. If you look them up on Wikipedia that will tell you who they are. Anyway, I have gotten a few Birthday wishes I didn't expect from a couple forums I haven't been to in months--and only about two people from the forums I have been to most the last few months have said Happy Birthday. (And I thank those sweet people very much) I guess that tells me who really loves me where forums are concerned, and I better start re-frequenting the forums who think of me though I haven't been there in months! Sometimes I feel good on my birthday, and sometimes I'm depressed--and this has kind of been a depressing birthday--but as they say--better over the hill than buried under it! Hope you guys have had a wonderful day, yourselves!

New Dress Set Out Wednesday!

My Patriotic Dress Set will be published Wednesday! I suppose Wednesday can be considered a "sort of" patriotic day, since you must have your taxes paid to Uncle Sam by then, or risk the government becoming very angry with you to the point of probably arresting you! Of course some people have overpaid taxes to the government throughout the year, which means they will get a refund! Definitely a good thing.  But to me, besides being Income Tax Day, Wednesday has another meaning.....Its my birthday! Yes, I'm 155 years old! Look pretty good for my age, don't I? ;) Also, I have started working on a new furniture recolor set---I guess it is going well so far--time will tell, and I'll keep you (the two whole people who read my blog) posted!

Red, White, and Blue Dress Set

I decided to stop at 5 dresses--I should have kept going because I think I need a bit more blue in the set--there is way more red and white than blue. Maybe later on I'll make a set of nothing but blue dresses. :D I may or may not do a furniture set next-that is something I haven't decided! Anyway, I've made a preview screenshot of the dresses, and since it is late--I'll wait till tomorrow to upload them, which will mean they will probably be published sometime late next week.  :D

Oh, I HATE it when that happens! :D

I just spent half the day working on an outfit that I thought was coming along pretty good. Everytime I checked it in BodyShop it seemed to be looking okay. But we all know how lousy BodyShop is for previews! Well, I had to leave it for awhile, to bake a cake for my sons birthday and prepare a special dinner for the family.  So when I got back to it I was looking at it from every angle, trying to make sure it was coming along as good as I thought--when I realized the front of it was glaringly off-center! GRRR! All that work for nothing--I'm going to have to start over from the beginning!  And I wanted to get a preview screenshot including this dress. *sigh* I don't have the greatest eyesight--I use over-the-counter reading glasses-and while I should probably upgrade to 2.00 strength, I am still using my trusty 1.75s (because it is hard to find a pair of cheap reading glasses that fit well and have decent glass --if you know what I mean--some of them make things look warped and distorted, and clear glass is hard to find) Oh, well--and I can't do it tomorrow, because I have to take my M-I-L to the doctor again (she's gonna have surgery in a couple weeks) But I'll get back to it as soon as I can--I think its gonna be pretty--white with ruffles--I had a dress something like it when I was younger and I loved it.  Yes, sometimes I don't know when to shut up. :D

Giving up on those chests for now!

I've decided to quit looking for that last chest--if I run across it--fine--that will be so cool--anyway I've still got till May-the-somethingth to find it! So I am going to just spend some time finishing up my Patriotic Dress Set. Yes I know 4th of July is still a few months away, but May is also a patriotic month because of Memorial Day, VE Day, and Armed Forces Day--days that Americans will proudly display an American Flag, if they don't have one flying already! (I have an American flag on one side of my driveway, and usually a Union Jack on the other, because my husband is half British. But we took down our Union Jack because it had gotten a bit raggedy, but we will replace it eventually) Anyway the dresses are various combinations of red, white, and/or blue--so far there are two red, white and blue ones, and one that is just red and white, and one that is a red, white and blue plaid with another color or two thrown in for good measure! I am at the moment working on a solid white one, and may also end up with a solid blue and solid red one in the set as well--lets just say I haven't decided yet when to stop! :D At any rate they will all use the same mesh by Harmonia09. And maybe be by this evening or tomorrow I will have a sneak preview screenshot to show you.

Pirate Chests

I have only found 11!! Just 2 more to go!! And I have looked everywhere, so I am beginning to think I will NEVER find the other 2!! ***sigh***  :D  Since I never win anything anyway, I suppose its just as well!  ;)  PS: After I wrote this I found another one which now makes a total of 12!!!! Just ONE MORE to go!! :D Why this makes me so happy is a mystery to me--I've never won so much as a mug from TSR! Of course I haven't entered too many competitions or bought a whole lot of lottery tickets either!  :D  And there are hundreds of thousands of TSR-ians who will end up entering this particular contest! So good luck to you all and congratulations to whoever wins, you lucky puppy, you!! ;)

I sure am glad I am feeling better!

Gosh that stomach bug kicked my butt! I thought it would never turn me loose! The first couple days were the worst, but I still felt like heck for another three days. Anyway, someday my living room set will be published, as will all the other backlog of stuff the poor Submissions Manager will be faced with when she gets back from vacation. Meanwhile, I guess I will just work on the other dress set I put on hold while I worked on the living room set.  While it may be a little too early for 4th of July related things--Patriotic is always in style! So the new dress set is going to have a red, white and blue theme.

Whats up, they haven't approved my last submission?

Somebody's on vacation or something?...What is up with that? I submitted the set late Sunday night, and expected it would be approved sometime on Monday, so it could at least be published today or tomorrow. Needless to say,I am more than slightly ticked. And I am not a crappy artist--I have seen worse stuff than mine get published, so I know it isnt that--oh, I'll shut up before I shove my foot even further down my throat--I have been ILL these last few days with some kind of hellacious stomach virus--I feel much better today, finally, but my mood is still a bit on the cross side, so I don't mean to offend the one or two whole people who actually read my blog. Sorry  ;)

New Living Room Recolor Set To be Published Soon

Just as soon as I can finish all the preview pictures, I will upload my newest recolor, a set of dark neutral living room furniture. The mesh is Shakeshaft's "Isabel" set, which was hand-picked as my next project by my good friend, tdyannd. She hasn't seen the final result at this writing, but when I show it to her, I hope it will meet her approval! I probably won't have everything ready to upload till tomorrow (Sunday the 22nd) and of course it will probably not be published before Wednesday or Thursday of next week. There is a small screenshot down in the left hand corner of my page if you would like a sneak preview!

Received A New Book!

Finally! I received in the mail today a book it seems I've been waiting forever on, "Blender for Dummies"! Its probably the 4th or 5th tutorial book and/or CD I have gotten about Blender, but there is so much to know about that program, my opinion is, you can never haver too many, because all of them focus on different aspects of the program, and all of them are going to have information exclusive only to that particular book! You'd think with all the books I have I'd be an expert by now, but no--I dont think thats possible, at least not for me! Anyway--the more I know, the happier I'll be, and the better able I'll be to just open up the program and just do anything, and not have to consult one (or three) of my many books on the subject to make sure I am on the right track! And I've got sooooooo many projects in mind I want to try, but I don't think my skill is quite up to par yet on any of them--like the fire-colored glass-textured 3D logo I want to do for a certain un-named band of people I'm interested in doing a fire-colored, glass-textured 3D logo for......just for play, and fits and giggles.

Latest Headlines

Today is my Birthday New Dress Set Out Wednesday! Red, White, and Blue Dress Set Oh, I HATE it when that happens! :D Giving up on those chests for now! Pirate Chests I sure am glad I am feeling better! Whats up, they haven't approved... New Living Room Recolor Set To... Received A New Book!
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