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DiamondSim's Blog

Sundresses to be published Thursday

I hope those who download them will enjoy dressing their sims in them--often!  And I think I will do another set of dresses next--but we shall see-- because I may just change my mind--it depends on whether or not I run into a set of furniture I feel compelled to recolor or not!  ;)    ( or it may depend on how many downloads I get on those sundresses!)  :D

*Sigh* Just sad today...

Nothing has been going right in RL for weeks now, today is the 9th anniversary of my mother's death, and I also found out today that a friend on another furum passed away Sunday--he was only 42--he was Dutch and I don't know exactly where he lived, but he was a really sweet guy and I am going to miss his friendship.


Finally! I decided to leave it at four--thats enough--then I'll do a room or two of furniture and possibly a set of rugs before I tackle another set of dresses!  This set includes the two you see in the screenshots--and two more which are a bit more detailed and "dressier". After I spend tomorrow taking preview pics--the set should be uploaded by Sunday night--and should be published a few days later. Wheeee!

New Sundress Set Coming Soon

I am hard at work on finishing up a set of 5 or 6 sundresses, all using the same mesh by Ulkrhsn. I have 2 and half done, and I have a posted a "sneak preview" screenshot of 2 of them, below in my little screnshot pod.  It may be a bit early for summer dresses--but hey, if you've got Seasons, it can be summer for your sims!  AND--although I DO have a gallery with one entire pic posted in it so far--the little pod still says "this user has no galleries".  SO, hopefully there's not going to be a problem with that, and my favorite old pic will show up soon.

Happy Saturday!

Today is a good day--getting ready for a nice tasty fish fry--got some in-laws over to share the food and fun...and yesterday I actually finished ONE recolor of a nice dress mesh by Ulkrhsn--and I will soon do a few more recolors of the same mesh--since it was an interesting mesh to recolor, and lends itself well to summery spaghetti-strap dresses.  The second recolor I worked on; I had started late, and it was giving me problems, so I will get back to it later. I'll do some more clothing recolors, and some furniture recolors, and soon I will have a nice big catalog of things--and someday I will get back to meshing again.

Hello Old Friends

I haven't been active at TSR lately, and I must say I REALLY want to change that! For what it is worth, even if I have to let some of the other things I've been into slide a bit--I want to come back to TSR and make it my "second home" like it once was!  I have really been missing it!

I figured as Much

I get the sneaking suspicion that The Powers That Be have pooh-poohed my request for a name change....Oh, well, I am still The Kattzyze, and everyone knows this, that knows me, that is...But from know on all my creations (and there will be some new ones soon; I am about to be unemployed and will have plenty of time on my hands...) will be under the name of Kattzyze - DiamondSim no longer exists as of now, MY DECREE.

A Little Bit of News

At the moment I am trying to convince the "Spring Cleaners" to change my username to Kattzyze. I have actually been begging them to do that for a couple of years...and whatcha wanna bet they don't - its probably waaaay too much of change! Anyway, since I'm about to be laid off my job around the 1st of the year, I will have a little more time to devote to my creative pursuits, which will definitely include some Sims2 creating projects. In February when Sims3 comes out, interest in Sims 2 is going to slow waaaay, waaaaay down. But I think people like me, whose video card won't be quite up to par, will still be hanging on to Sims2, until such time we get a better VC. Anyway, Sims3 will bring some changes to how custom content is made and shared.

I am still here

I haven't gone anywhere though things seem to have ground to a halt here at my minisite. There are things going on in the background, however, so though it might be quiet around here at the moment I expect things to pick up in the near future. :D

New recolor set soon

I am recoloring a couple of old sets by Nanshi Nibble, that I should have ready for submission in a few days. I have been avoiding working on my meshes because the program/file compatibilty problems have frustrated me so. I don't want to give up Blender, because I can work in it so much better than I can Milkshape. But I have, after thinking and thinking and thinking, come up with a possible solution, and as soon as I feel like knuckling down and seeing if it will work - well, then maybe, just maybe....I hope so, because I am so tired of the dead ends I kept running into. Its going to involve a lot of back and forth program-switching and file-reformatting using Blender, Milkshape, UV Mapper Pro, Photoshop, SimPE, and Format Factory, and maybe even something else - a bunch of trouble that would be unnecessary if I'd just give up Blender and use Milkshape. BUT - I am going to be happier with my end results.

Latest Headlines

Sundresses to be published Thursday *Sigh* Just sad today... SUNDRESS SET IS DONE!! New Sundress Set Coming Soon Happy Saturday! Hello Old Friends I figured as Much A Little Bit of News I am still here New recolor set soon
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