DiamondSim's Blog
The Poll
Please participate in my little poll! :D I'll find out a bit of information and you will get 25 kudos! Thank you!Don't Give Up On Me Yet
I know I keep promising meshes and I haven't delivered, but don't give up on me just yet. You won't BELIEVE the weird problems I keep running into! I won't go into details, but they all have to do with getting certain file extensions to open in certain programs. Well, just for an example: TGA and SVG files are not editable in photoshop, and have to be converted to JPEGS. How come I have TGA and SVG files in the first place? They are the only file extensions UV maps unwrapped in Blender can be saved in. OBJ files from SimPE do not open in Blender, and have to be renamed. The renamed OBJ files will not import back into SimPE. To name just a FEW of the problems I have had! So I still have to figure out how in the heck I am going to get my OBJ files from Blender back in SimPE. Probably will have to regroup in Milkshape somehow. This isn't supposed to be this darn hard! So you see I HAVE been working on meshing; I'd have had my lamp, table, chair and bookshelf finished a LONG time ago if my darn programs would just COOPERATE with me! But I am hannging in there, I'll figure this out if it kills me! :DWhat's on my mind.....
Yes, I am slloowwllyy still working on meshing. I am a beginner, but I'd like the first one I put out here to be at least slightly new, different, and hopefully pleasing. There are a LOT of meshes out there by artists who have been at it for years, and between them all meshes of every type of funiture, object, plant, etc, have been made, many times over. And more and more artists every day are putting out the very first things they have made. I am not wanting to compete with anyone or anything, but I do want my meshes to be very good quality, as good as I can get the first ones to be, at least. Because as I said, those who have been doing it for years will always have much better crafted meshes than us beginners, or at least until us beginners have been doing it for years, too! And yes, I know absolutely no one has read this. And if they have, well, thank you for reading.New Recolor Set Soon
I have a new recolor set coming out soon, A summery pastel version of PureElements' Radiance Living Room Set. Probably by the end of the week!It really is coming soon....
I know I keep promising a new set with meshes I made myself, but I keep running into unforseeable snags that keep setting me back. Just as soon as get over this recent hurdle, I will unveil my *masterpieces* . I want to be able to make a mesh, start to finish, without running into any problems, or if I do, I want to know how to fix it. I want them to be totally perfect before I share them with you! And I am getting there, I am just pretty much teaching this to myself, though I do have a few "gurus" who have patiently answered my questions.Happy Fathers Day
Don't know if any fathers are reading this, but if so, have a happy Fathers Day!...... I've been feeling crappy for the last few days, so I have not done any work on meshing or recoloring, because I haven't wanted to think that hard....:D But I am starting to feel better, so I can get back to tackling my projects again. I hope to have a completed new mesh set to upload here within the next few weeks. I can't work on it every day, so it is taking me longer than it would probably take anyone else....Here is a prototype of the lamp I am making...
Still Studying
I haven't been around much lately, either here at my page or in the Texture Challenge forum, because I am still studying meshing with Blender, which has been taking up a lot of my time. Blender is a great program, once you get over "button shock". And there is so much to learn about it besides just how to use it for meshing. It is such a self contained program you don't need a seperate UV unwrapping/mapping or photoshop type program. It even has its own internal file system where you can keep folders full of textures and other images, as well as access any file, folder or other program anywhere on your computer right from within Blender! It isn't something you can learn in a few days, or even two months, which is about how long I have been earnestly studying how to use it. The first mesh I made with it is posted here in my blog, and I am proud of it, but I want to get a bit more familiar with all Blenders meshing tools, as well as how to UV unwrap/map, before I start experimenting with importing things into the game. But I will get there, and maybe sooner than I think.....First MESH!!
I finally made a decent-looking mesh, after many hours of studying and making mistakes! It is a table - well, actually a table-looking desk, and if all continues to go well, there will be a lamp and chair to go with it. Of course, it may take me a month (or more) to get it all to the point that I would actually consider uploading it to TSR. I am still learning! But I will show you my table, anyway! Of course it needs to be textured and stuff.....and I may do a bit more tweaking to get it as perfect as I can.
New Set and other News
My new set for TC87 will be published May 3. It features textures by Walkerboh_Rumor and meshes by Alban_Alban.I recently bought a graphics tablet and it is very useful and helpful in recoloring, not to mention the other cool things it will do! And I've gotten all sorts of links to free 3D and graphics editing programs - and downloaded several of them. They are so much fun to play with. I am also getting closer to my goal of learning to mesh using Blender. I am practicing modeling a 3d object using a background image, so maybe it won't be much longer before I will feel ready to make a real mesh. :D