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DiddakoiGirl's Guestbook

smp6185Sep 28, 2009

Thank you for your comment on The Herbal's Chapter 2!  Chapter 3 has been submitted so keep an eye out for it and let me know what you think!  I have some things in mind and in store for little Belladonna...

drewsolteszMay 5, 2009

Hi and thanks for reading and commenting on my story, 'A Convenient Husband' It is appreciated. I have a new story posted, 'The Younger Man', would love it if you checked it out~Cheers

miller1220Apr 16, 2009

Hiya! How are ya doing? I was wondering if you were planning on continuing Escape. I read Part 4 & 5 and I really love it! But...where did Part 2 go? It disappeared! It's not in your story page...\:wacko\: And what about Ghost Story? Will you be able to continue it or....not?\:\(

clairepitts1994Apr 9, 2009

Hey! How are you? Have you seen my Him & Her story? I wanted to ask you before I posted it if you'd mind. Because I did get part of the idea of it from reading your Abandoned story, and was going to say it was inspired by your story. But I've had a very weird week. So you don't mind that I say it was inspired by your story? Coz if you do, I can kill the story and delete the first chapter. I have a lot of other stories, so it doesn't matter if you don't want that one up there. Adios xox

miller1220Apr 8, 2009

Well, tehre's nothing to worry about, then! I won't be posting storeis on TSR because it's too complicated and difficulty. It's not simple enough to figure it out...\:\( But anyway, you wont have any competition! I might post some stories later on the Sims 2 website, and if I figure it out i'll post on here, but for now I'll just be playing the game!

miller1220Apr 7, 2009

Well, I really hope that you can continue "A Ghost Story." Without doubt it is my favorite story here on TSR and anywhere and without it what else is there to do here? \:D I truly hope you have time and can recreate the characters for the story because I miss them! The story is wonderful, and it inspries me a lot. I'm sad that your Sims stuff was deleted \:\( but hopefully you can start fresh and continue the story! It's my favorite! I'm glad that you can still possibly continue. Also, if you don't mind...would I be allowed to make a story liek yours? Where the daughter and the husband die, and the mother is left with her family and the ghosts? If you mind me, then that's allright. If you dont mind I will happily mention that my story was inspired by DiddakoiGirl's "A Ghost Story." Thanks for everything!!!! \:wub\: \:rah\:

miller1220Apr 6, 2009

Hiya! I haven't spoken to you in a long time but I want to let you know that you're one of my favorite authors! Your stories are amazing. I was just wondering if you are going to continue with Ghost Story. It's my favorite story of yours! Now that I'm stuck at the end of Part 5, or whatever it's called, I'm dying to know what happens! I absolutely love ghost stories, and most ghost stories are more violent and creepy, but your story is a ghost story to perfection. It's not the killing kind of thing, nor so dreadful as other stories are, but it is eerie and perfect and it draws me onward. Your characters are marvelous and I would die if you didn't continue this story!!!! Please continue, I've been waiting for weeks for the next part to come out!!! Thanks! \:rah\: \:D \:\)

zoe23323Apr 2, 2009

hey r u gonna make more Ghost Story? i really like it and want to read more \:cool\:

zoe23323Apr 2, 2009

hey r u gonna make more Ghost Story? i really like it and want to read more \:cool\:

milk_icecreamaMar 27, 2009

Arggg, I knew it, ok those kind of things always happen, just because of Tsr's fault\:mad\: It's ok if you cant upload it, I can understand, hope stupid tsr'll accept yr story soon\:\( Oh and you dont have to split your story, cause it's...well very confusing and doesnt interest readers, so what you did's totally right and no need to worry 'bout what you gonna docause I know you could do it, good luck\;\) Have a nice day.

stephanie1225Mar 26, 2009

Thank you so much for commenting on my screen shot \:D Sadly I can't remember where I got her eyes from because I got them a long time ago!!  Lol but if I remember I'l let you know \:D

drewsolteszMar 25, 2009

Hello, and thanks so much for commenting on 'The Gambler', there is a new story posted, 'A Convenient Husband' hope you can read and comment on that as well, cheers~PS; Your last story was simply amazing, keep up the great work!!

milk_icecreamaMar 25, 2009

Hi, just drop by your site. what 'bout abandoned\:wub\: , have you done it yet?\:oHave a nice day.\;\)

fionaivriMar 23, 2009

Why of course! Who doesn't like lemons? Do YOU like lemons? I love the way even on a hot day they turn your blood to ice with their sourness! It was funny today in PE, we were doing somersaults and I wasn't allowed to wear my hairband and so my fringe was sticking up the whole time! \:D Have you done gymnastics in PE yet?

EvaaDJMar 20, 2009

Today I got a tan \:D! (wohoo) I have pilot glasses, with reflecting glasses. So everybody looked into my glasses if their hair wassn't screwed up, hehe. I didn't have much lessons today so I was outside the all day.  Eeeeek! I just love the sun. We don't have a lot of grass around our school so I wasn't able to lie down, but at our school you will be called hippie the whole day if you do that \:D haha, on TSR I want to submit a screen, but he won't show up! I tried it for like every day. \:rolleyes: It's a sunny screen \:wub\:

milk_icecreamaMar 20, 2009

Haha,yep,I definitely have a lot of hw, oh and tests too \:mad\: ( that's the most thing I hate ), hmm, I really do want to have hw finished in school but I dont have enough time to do it\:ph34r\:Lol, but everything went pretty well, like if I didnt finish my hw at home, I could...copy it from friends the day after, I know it's bad but I can get rid of those things\:ph34r\:So you can see my bad face, haha, I know I'm kind of weird girl: lazy, love school and hang out with some friends( only when I have a free-studing day\:P )and cant live without a day on TSR and music \:D

fionaivriMar 19, 2009

Ah, good ole' St. Paddy's Day! I was pretty good, first I was in the local parade (with shamrocks painted onto my face!) for the athletics group! Later, I went with a friend to the parade in Courtmacsherry! I wish leprechauns were real...*sigh* (Random note: I like chocolate. Do you?) How was your St. Paddy's Day? \:D \:rah\:

EvaaDJMar 18, 2009

Hahah, you know, you're awesome. I ACTUALLY LEARNED SOMETHING TODAY! I love the weather, I sat outside with a friend of mine with a sigaret ( I know its bad, I'll quit quickly! ) and I had my eyes closed for a half hour because the sun was soo warm and nice. aaah, the hippie inside me came out. Yeah I had the same, my screenshot didn't show up ~ bother bother ~ Oew ! I'll check the stories right now \:wub\:

EvaaDJMar 17, 2009

Yeah that's why I'm stuck with it \:P Looking forward? You mean by the Sims 3 ? I think I'm sticking with sims 2.. But I dunno. What I'm looking forward to is SUMMER \:wub\: today it is a sunny day in Holland so I'm with my sunglasses in the garden reading some summer books. LOVE ITT \:o I have a screen from him wait, I'll upload it (proud\:D) http://img15.imageshack.us/my.php?image=93688404.png he doesn't look cute there.. but who cares. aaah , I'm totally hyper with this weather. How's weather in Ireland?

clairepitts1994Mar 17, 2009

Yeah I thought it looked a little shifty myself when I first looked at it, but I read all the stuff and I make sure any files downloaded from there are scanned with an anitvirus software before I install them into my game. So far I've had no problems with it. I find it soo retarded that you have to register your game on the sims 2 website. It's so stupid. But I don't think you have to have an account to see the story, but I just tried then. But this link should work because I used it when I wasn't logged in or anything: http://thesims2.ea.com/exchange/story_detail.php?asset_id=260415 but if it doesn't I'll tell you what it was about, but to do that I'd have to read it again. *sigh* I can't remember my own stories. I have 2 more awsum story ideas!!! and I really wanna do both of them now!! That's always the way, I get halfway through a story, and a really good idea for a story comes along and I start to lose interest in the first one. Oh well I always manage to finish that first story. Guess what!!...no.....good guess but no......almost.....oh I give up I'll just tell you. We're looking after a new puppy!!!  Puppies!!! Puppies and Kittens and rainbow chocolate fudge ice-cream!! oo that sounds nice. Just got interrupted by dog slobbers!!! eeeyuck!  But he's cute so you can overlook the grossness. You discovered the print screen button?? WOOOO!!!! I remember the day I discovered it, it makes everything so much easier. You wonder what you ever did without it. That's a lot of responsibility for one little button. Well I'm off to write my stories which there are now 3! of!!*sigh*  mwuaha ha ha ha haaaa au revior...I like adios better. \:D Adios xox

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