Dilemmy (2721764)
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JCIssetteOct 11, 2010
Good morning, Dilemmy. Thanks so much for that nice comment on Whiteoaks. It was a huge mansion to build. Hope your and your sims enjoy it. It was good to hear from you again. Hope all is well. Have a great week. Hugs, Judy
JCIssetteMar 14, 2010
Thanks for downloading Gimbel Drive, Dilemmy and good luck on your exams. I been there, done that. LOL And never want to do it again. Well, hope you can get some play time in after your exams. Have a good one. Hugs, Judy
JCIssetteMar 13, 2010
Good morning, Dilemmy. How are you? I can finally thank you for that sweet comment you left me on Gimbel Drive. I hope you were able to download it on publication day. If so, have fun with it and have a great weekend. Hugs, Judy