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DragonQueen's Guestbook

SandraRNov 4, 2009

Hi!!! I am very thankful for your nice comment on my Dress F040, THANKS!!!

madkitty13Nov 4, 2009

XD T$R is sensitive to loads of things. If you really want to write how YOU want, you should join Insiminator's adult site. There are no limitations and the site is like 18+.

fredbrennyNov 4, 2009

\:D Thanks!!!!!

IllandryaNov 4, 2009

Hi DragonQueen! Thank you so much for all your lovely words. I really appreciate hearing from those who read and enjoy my stories. Although there are only a couple more chapters left in this story, I have a couple of ideas to share with TSR once this is over. I will try to be as prolific as my real life allows!

libertyNov 4, 2009

Hey well thank you for your lovely message in my GB I'm glad to hear you like what I create\:o The goth Residence is almost done. Later today more external screens the inside isn't good enough yet to be showed on the site...... Thanks again stay tunned Hugs Mike

martoeleNov 4, 2009

You know that happened to Part 8 of my "Just Another Life Story". I had to rewrite it because it was getting to mmmh for the possible younger readers of the stories. I suppose, they're doing allright even though is means rewriting to us. Anyway, as it happened to me, I know how you feel. \:rolleyes:  Hey, where I live it's 10:15 a.m. so I think it must be night or dawn in the States. Arent you sleepy ?

martoeleNov 4, 2009

Thank you, Thank you and THANK YOU. Now the story I'm writing now is "Another Point of View" and today Part 5 and 6 of it have been published. Just have a look at my minisite and there you will find them all.  I've written a very long story on my Messenger Blog but that's written in spanish (175 chapters).There is some good material in there and a tiny part of it has been used in "Just another Life Story" (when Ilona told Chester about having given birth to twins) and it's possible that I will use "flashbacks" referring to that long Sims2 story. 175 chapters is just a bit to much to translate it into english. It took me over a year to write it. Yeah, though I'm a grandmother, I love the "Alice" game very much. I used to buy adventure games and had a lot of them but certain moment they all looked similar and that's how I started with The Sims. I'm very fond of it and looking forward for the expansion pack. Hey, we're getting friend...!!! Have a spectacular day...\:D

AbsintheBessNov 4, 2009

Thanks for checking out and commenting on my screen shot \:\) I love your work! - Bess

martoeleNov 4, 2009

Hi DragonQueen. Thanks for your comments on "Another Point of View". I'm glad that you liked the first 2 parts. It wasn't meant to be but many people told me they were interested in knowing more about that girl so now I'm focussing on her. \:\)

martoeleNov 4, 2009

I'm pleased to hear that you liked the final part of Just Another Life Story. No, I haven't written anymore more about the "just married". Lets give them time for their honeymoon. Perhaps I'll be writing about them later. \:\)

martoeleNov 4, 2009

Hi DragonQueen. Thanks again for commenting Part 12 of Just another Life Story. Hey, now I notice that you have changed your avatar. The cat looks like a lynx. Cool.

spitzmagicNov 4, 2009

You are most welcome. Yes, I think we can safely say the rain for now has past. I haven't seen it rain like it did for several years. I am in the Dallas area not sure if I mentioned that or not. I am glad all is better. Thank you for checking out my ghost busters..Have a great day\:wub\:

kalirinahNov 3, 2009

Hiya \:\) I just saw your comment on my attempt story "Solitude" Thanks a lot \:\) I didn´t follow it because of lack of time and my computer died. I have a new laptop but all my stuff I had before was lost ... But I started a new story and this will have an ending! \:\)

Peachybitz1Nov 3, 2009

Hi DragonQueen \:D, glad you're drying out, and i hope the weather doesn't bring anymore unwelcome upheavals...

The Simsss FanNov 3, 2009

You had good luck,because here in Romania were some floods 3 years ago and many people have lost their houses.I'm happy because you're back on tsr!!\:wub\:

libertyNov 3, 2009

Hi Thank you for your comment on the Goth Residence I'm glad you like it. I apriciate it. Thanks Hugs Mike

martoeleNov 3, 2009

Hi DragonQueen. Thank you very much for the comments that you're leaving on all of the chapters of "Just Another Life Story". It makes me feel very proud that somebody reads them on the same day. The last Part that you commented was 11, so 2 more chapter to go and this story will be ended. \:D  Hey, when will you be coming up with another story as interesting as "Corey's last run". I really enjoyed it. \:wub\:  Have a nice week. Margo.

DOTNov 2, 2009

Hi hi \:\) Thanks for leaving a nice comment on the Garden Craft Lamps. I appreciate it!

Vanilla SimNov 2, 2009

Hi DragonQueen \:\) Thank you so much for the lovely comments on my custom paintings. I so happy you like them and I hope you are enjoying them in game. Cheers! ~Robin  

joker52455Nov 1, 2009

Thanks for commenting Under the Same Moon! The curse should stop since I finally found out how you're supposed to load the story so that it doesn't go to crap lol :P

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