Elanomalous (11033114)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Adventureland; A Board Game World
Published Feb 5, 2023
About Me
To visit my Sims 3 Exchange studio, visit: https://www.thesims3.com/userExchange.html?persona=EllaJMcGavin&sortOrder=desc&action=&sortField=created_at&assetType=all&position=0&index=1
To visit my information pages on Sims 3 lots, plugins, and worlds, visit: https://elanomalous.wordpress.com/home/sims-3-lots-plugins-and-worlds/
To see my Sims 3 lifespan and timescale charts, visit: https://elanomalous.wordpress.com/home/sims-3-lifespan-and-timescale-charts/
Main website: https://elanomalous.wordpress.com/
You can visit for anything regarding my Sims 3 designs and information as well as unrelated Sims 3 stuff and contact information.
As uploading can take a while, you can visit my archive on Mediafire containing most of what is in the directory of the Sims 3 Lots, Plugins, and Worlds page:
Terms of Use
I would prefer if my designs were not copied and claimed as own, but I feel I cannot adequately claim copyright. I will report you and request others report those who seem to claim this idea as their own. Please do not recolor it or modify it as your own. You can use it content. Please do not claim as own. Credit the design to me or link to it.