ElishaT (84442)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (112 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Lime Undies For Elders by ElishaT
Published Jun 5, 2006
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
From the very first time I played Sims 1, I was hooked! I've been obsessed ever since. I always enjoyed creating my own Sims and houses. However, I never attempted skinning because it seemed too complicated. That is until the Sims 2 Body Shop came out. I never realized how easy it is! The hardest part was learning all the tools in my graphics program. I'm still learning that actually. I hope to get some better graphics software eventually but for now I use Microsoft Picture It. Now, if Maxis could just make a nice object creating program like that (like bodyshop) .... hmm.
My Guestbook Show All
chellefleurSep 22, 2006
You've made some really cute things! Thanks for sharing
Little_SvenJun 03, 2006
I love your orange track suit...especially the fact that the tennis shoes are white. Great job!
francienJul 07, 2005
Hi, I wanted to thank you for the Polka Dot bikini..it's a really eye catcher and I love it!