Project: Primordia
Hello! I want to thank you guys for all your support, so, yeah, I have here a preview of the new mesh that I've been working on for my next upload.
Yup, that's the shadow of the mesh itself, with custom textures. As you can see, I have a thing for very accurate meshes and do not really invest much on textures. That's part of my design philosophy. Now, this plant for my next upload is a part of a series of room sets that I'll be starting soon, after I deal with my priorities...
But, anyway, this series I will refer to as Project Primordia, since it is a series of my first room sets for The Sims 2. Just so you know, I pretty much dislike the feel of The Sims 3 so I don't intend to create for this version.
So, there, I hope you like this plant. Well, you just have to wait for it. Stay tuned!
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