EsmerelldaRat (80442)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Hill Top
Published Nov 14, 2004
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (69 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
I'm only 36!!! I refuse to be 37 until August 2004! Now I feel better.
I hail from the Great White North (Canada).
I try to play the Sims only at night, that way by 2 or 3 am I get sleepy and have to stop.
If I sit down on Sat or Sun morning in my Pj's with coffee in hand, I soon wonder why my coffee is cold, only to realize it's now 5 in the afternoon.
Oh well, time well spent!
If you've stopped by to look at my page, please feel free to leave any words you have.
Have a great day!
JAN2004: Please note that I have all the expansions for the Sims; Deluxe, Livin' Large, House Party, Hot Date, Vacation, Unleashed, Super Star and Makin' Magic, PLUS I keep up to date with ALL the official Maxis object downloads for the Sims. I can no longer keep track of which objects and/or wallpapers came from which expansion or which expansion may not be required to download a lot I created. I therefore list "all expansions" required for a created lot or house.
Coming Soon: A complete set of 9 lots for Studio Town called the Golden Era Set. Featuring an extreme sports depot, movie making lot, a fashion studio, music studio, park, television network, open-mic club, a kareoke club and a spa.
My Guestbook Show All
LaylaSimsNov 26, 2006
Hi there! I don't even know if you come here anymore and will even get to read this, but just in case, I wanted to thank you for making The Gridline neighborhood for The Sims 2. It is by far my most favorite and used 'hood of all the ones I have (and believe me, I have quite a few. ) I can pretty much have as many houses and sims that I want, as well as being able to decorate it any way I want. Once again, thanks so much, and I would love to see you back making more things for TS2. Your TS1 things look lovely.
LadyH1973Jan 09, 2005
I love your stuff. Maybe you can help me. I noticed the grid work on your hood. Can you tell me how you did it.
kittenmaniaJul 21, 2004
I read your profile, admn apart form the kids & birth sign - we could almost be twins!!!!
I love your designs, really cool!
Please keep up the good work, I know I'm not the only perosn who loves your work!