EviepinkP (2680912)
About Me
Hello! Im Evie From Auckland, New Zealand. I Love the Sims 1, 2 & 3, I have always been a Hide fan. I Love to Create Sims for the Sims 2 Contenent and Soon I Will Start Uploading Sims for this Website, i Hope that you will like them enough to download them. Thankyou, and Please Tell me if you think that you have seen an Amazing Creation, Comment my Guestbook. Thanks
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francienJul 26, 2009
Hi Evipink! your first GBentry from me Thank you very much for taking the time to write a comment on one of my lots Tropical Life, so nice you did..Your avatar is intruging, I keep looking at it to try to find out how it is it is a girl I see but I can't see her arms..Did yo make it yourself?? I like it Have a wonderful sunday