FREYSSIMS (6950625)

2Creations 11,931Downloads 9,229Pageviews

My Latest Sims 4 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations

Sims 4 / Mods
Published Jan 16, 2019
4,465 Downloads • 3 KB
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Sims 4 / Mods
Published May 11, 2018
7,466 Downloads • 51 KB
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About Me

Hey, welcome to my page... I'm FREYSSIMS. Browse my pose creations and my profile, but please do not reupload my poses, thank you for your support.

Get To Know Me:

My name is Freya, I'm 25 & a Scorpio, Born on November 10th in 1996.
I am Transgende. I'm a YouTuber, I make celebrities in The Sims 4.
My YouTube Channel link:

My Best Traits: Extremely Loving & Big-Hearted, Loyal Till The End, Faithful As Hell, Bluntly Honest... I love deeply and once I love you I will never ever stop loving you.

My Faults: I get jealous fairly easily... Yes, I'm honest, but I'm also secretive, I tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but I'm secretive in the sense as in I keep walls up for just about everyone I know... and finally I get paranoid about like everything... I've been working on the jealousy stuff so that's actually going away, which is great. But the paranoia is here to stay.

So now that you know my deep personal self, let's get into my Interests..

I am a gamer obviously.
My favorite console is Xbox: One. But I also love PC gaming...
My favorite games are, Halo: Reach, League of Legends, The Sims 4, Skyrim V: Elder Scrolls, GTA V & PC Minecraft...

Music Taste:
I love just about any music that I can get into...
If I find a song has a deeper meaning and the words express a beautiful story I will love it... for instance On Melancholy Hill by the Gorillaz... anything with a smooth or soft melody/tone...

So with that,
My Favorite Genres Are:
Everything except male rappers or death metal... Why don't I like male rappers? I don't know honestly... I mean I like Drake... but I dislike Eminem and most other male rappers... I only like about 4 female rappers, Qveen Herby, Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat & Cardi B..... that's all I can think of right now...
My Top 5 Favorite Singers Are: Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen, Melanie Martinez, Tessa Violet & Selena Gomez
My Top 5 Favorite Bands Are: The Band Perry, Paramore, Gorillaz, The Fray & Mayday Parade.

I love art and fashion design as anyone who knows me knows... but I know nothing about the latest trends or styles, I just go with my own creative style, I don't know anything about Gucci or Michael Kors I don't even know if I spelled that right... I just know I love designing fashion and sketching dresses and models...

I am a homebody if that's not obvious, but if I'm with someone else I prefer to be either inside getting lit or outside also getting lit lol but hiking or just enjoying the fresh air (except in winter I just want to avoid the cold at all costs)....
The only good thing about Autumn is 1 it's my best friend's middle name and 2 Pumpkin Spice everything is in... Also Autumn is beautiful with all the leaves changing color and the crisp breeze... Summer is my favorite season, simply because I love to swim and pretend I'm a mer-person.

Now let's talk movies and tv...
I'm not much of a tv person, like I hate televisions in general, I only use them for video games... But I love Netflix... I'll binge watch almost anything that's DC or Marvel and well almost any show where the main characters have powers of sorts... I think Pretty Little Liars is the only drama show I've ever liked where they're just normal everyday teenage girls...
Genres: I like dramas, dramedies, comedies and supernatural/sci-fi... oh and obviously anime, but only if there's a female lead role, I'm not like a feminist or anything, but I like to see a woman in charge or whatever you wanna call it... Also I love Harry Potter, I'm a Slytherin even though I want to be a Ravenclaw, but, all hail Voldemort I guess...

I love trying new things especially when it's food, I'm a huge foodie... though at barely 100lbs and 5'6" nobody tends to think so... I eat, a lot... I love BBQ chicken, Spaghetti, Spicy Ramen, Watermelon, Sardines are good, but one is enough... Foods I dislike, the list is short, however I'm lactose intolerant and also I cannot handle acidic foods, meaning I can't eat chocolate, carrots, lettuce or tomatoes without getting extreme heartburn five seconds later...

Obviously if you can tell, I am a huge talker... I love having long conversations and talking people's ears off... I'm a writer, I've written and published two books, and I may be writing a third, if my inspiration for it returns... Anyways, I love talking so much I prefer it to almost anything... yes I mean that sexually, I am not a sexual kind of person... I usually don't wanna talk about it or think about it, except with one person... so anyhow yes, I am a talker and also a romantic just saying.... a hopeless romantic, but a romantic nonetheless....

For a list of my total hobbies and interests:
Hiking, Nature Photography, Gaming, Song writing, Book writing, Ping-pong/Beer-pong, Cosplay, Tennis, Badminton, Diving, Animation & Graphic Design...

Well this all just about sums me up... I'm a weird unique person and I love being myself... you have to be yourself because in a world full of pretenders and wannabes, you should be the one who stands out... Be yourself, because there's nobody better...

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if you use them for instagram/youtube please be sure to link them, or tag me on instagram @freyssims

My Guestbook Show All

RemusSirionDec 16, 2021

Hey, regarding your comment to the cleavage detail: Could it be that you used a skin overlay in addition? Some of those layer higher than they should. Also, the overlay version is to be used with overlay skins only, it will not work with full-coverage skins (in that case you need to download the full-coverage cleavage detail which you can find on my TSR page as well)

BAkaliaNov 23, 2020

Hello Thank you for the kind words!

Smooth 24Nov 07, 2020

Your Welcome

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