Fantasyrogue (607831)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (83 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ladybug Toddler Outfit
Published Dec 19, 2004
About Me
Well, what to put here... I love to draw, paint and read. I'm especially fond of fantasy novels and art. Ofcourse I also love skinning for Sims 2 and hopefully in the future I'll be able to do some meshing and maybe furniture making, but we'll see. I'm also a hopeless videogame addict, having played videogames since I was 8. I should probably say something along the lines of "With the Sims being the number one game I played!" but that's not entirely true, even if I love the game. There's not much else to say about me, so I'll leave it at this. It's always nice to get reactions from people, so feel free to leave a message in my guestbook.
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YashaElkMay 25, 2008
I just want to say a million thank you for your tiger skintone, its really great and professionel,. I love it
Have a niiiice day, greetings YashaElk
Vanilla SimMar 10, 2008
I was so excited to hear from you today. It's wonderful to know that you are well and back to simming. Yep..I've kept creating. Not much skinning as I'm not the greatest at it. I mostly recolor objects. But, I love it. If you start skinning again I hope you come by and let me know. I would love to see what you come up with. Hope to see you around.
Vanilla SimAug 20, 2007
I have a bathing suit made by you from a million years ago. I see it isn't for download here. For the life of me I can't remember how I got it. Probably from way back when Bodyshop came out before the game and we were regulars on the skinning forum. Anyway, just wanted to come by and leave you a message and tell you that it's still my all time favorite bathing suit in the game. I wish you were still skinning. I always loved your skins. I hope you are well and still simming.