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FathomDesigns's Guestbook

amykate1992Jun 2, 2009

hey, i haven't logged in for ages and only just got the message you sent me on my geustbook. I love mayday parade, they are one of my favourite bands

amykate1992Jun 2, 2009

hey, i haven't logged in for ages and only just got the message you sent me on my geustbook. I love mayday parade, they are one of my favourite bands

emo-blackheartMay 18, 2009

when is your next 'perfection' story released??

converse02Jan 15, 2009

(the website just went back to its old ways [layout]) I'm rather excited for it, I just visited the website of The Sims 3, the cursing granny was my favorite!\:D It looks really intense but good! I just hope its not too expensive, I couldn't handle that... but I'll probably wait too.\:D Another piercing eh? sounds cool, I want to pierce my ears again, possibly three more times!\:P

converse02Jan 11, 2009

You know, it could be a sign!!\:D Because after talking with my mother, we decided that the time for a new computer was here and well needless to say, a new computer it is! Though I heard the Sims 3 was huge! so I'm kinda of scared to install it.

converse02Jan 4, 2009

Oh!! I know how you feel now, we got a virus in our computer from freaking Peggysims and it really messed it up and we had no choice but to completely wipe out our entire hard drive yesterday, I lost everything from my sims. \:\( And all these photos and essays and things of that nature.\:\( \:\( \:\( I seriously need to watch where I go when it comes to Sims things.\:mad\: thats my story and Eli will write you a message later on today or something, thats what he told me.\:D

converse02Jan 2, 2009

Well Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, a little late I know but we've been busy. \:\)I was certain you would not have deleted it on purpose.\:\) OH MAN!!! That sux, everything is gone?!!!\:eek\: My computer would possibly be a whole lot faster if that was the case, but I've already lost my stuff once and having to regain it all really stunk!\:mad\: Luckily, Eli is into the sims as well or else I probably would have given up.\:\) Okay I'm done now, I'll let Eli take over now: \:D \:D \:D Hi Miss Fathom!! I'd write you a message but who knows when you'd get back to me. Or I you. so hows the bf?? \:wub\: you guys still good?? hows the school a'coming?! I finally graduated!!!!!\:rah\: So thats nice for me. gah... its really not the same writing to you in my wife's account, but I'm trying here so you gotta give me a break... I was thinking about re-starting my account but we'll see... anyways just wanted to say that I haven't forgotten about you.\:cool\:

ILikeMusic640Jan 1, 2009

Hey, thanks for your comment on my story "Remembering Sunday!" I love All Time Low too. I started listening to Mayday Parade then I knew that they were on tour with All Time Low, so I downloaded their CD. When I found the song Remembering Sunday, I thought it would be a great Sims story, haha. Oh, i saw in your about me section that you quit making stuff b/c sims 3 is coming out soon. I am sooo in the same boat. *head-desk* Sorry for rambling and practically vandalizing your GB. Have a fantastic day! Claire

Herzen & BlasenDec 30, 2008


pretty_babyDec 27, 2008

*Screams* Ahhh It has been along time..... I stopped by to see your site but nothing was happening so I thought oh no loving the sims no more hehe. But then I read...You lost everyhting!! That is horrible..I would have shed a few million tears then probably threw the computer out the window. But hey thats me!! sims 3 will be out soon so what is the use....!! although I hope some people will still have sims 2 love. I know I will because I think im chocking up my pc with all sorts of junk..I got gta4 on pc for xmas!! I just hope it works ahhahahaha anyway i hope you had a great day!! whats been haappening with you!!! xoox Sarah

andi and grimDec 25, 2008

I could get a good electric and an amp for under £180, I could get an okay one for under £100 from www.gear4music.com if you really want one it might be worth looking there. \:\)

andi and grimDec 25, 2008

Well I'm not allowed what I want because I already have it, I want a guitar and I have 2 but they're both acoustic, I guess its human greed. :P

andi and grimDec 24, 2008

They won't but thats for saying it.

andi and grimDec 24, 2008

Hi, just here to say merry Christmas and happy new year! \:\)

converse02Dec 21, 2008

aww... how sad, my husband dear says you deleted it on purpose...\;\) Cause you feel spite towards him for deleting his account. But thats him, maybe you just accidentally wanted to click reply but instead clicked delete... anyways sorry to hear about your game & downloads, that really must blow... Sims 3 is out when??

IllianaDec 18, 2008

~@~ I wish you peace, I wish you joy, I wish you hope...but most of all I wish you happiness surrounded by those you love! \:wub\: Happy Holidays to you, and may the warmth of this special season last for all the year through! ~@~ Illiana

eviDec 18, 2008

May the spirit of Christmas be with you throughout the New Year\:wub\:

DOTDec 15, 2008

.:¨:.~Happy Holidays to you and yours! ~.:¨:.~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World!~.:¨:.

converse02Nov 7, 2008

Oh... I'm sorry Fathom, he's gone...\:eek\: \:\( He tried logging in and eventually realized that he was gone, such a sad thought really...\:\( I'll tell him to continually write, though he doesn't remember what last he wrote since its gone now, everything?!!!! can you believe it, didn't think it'd happen, guess it did.\:eek\: \:\( Anyways if he ever writes, it'd be through my account but through private message alright? If I ever feel like dropping you a line, well I'll write it here on your guestbook.\:D

charrayOct 29, 2008

I love your creations \:rah\: \:rah\: Great job on them and thanks alot for sharing \:\) \:\) \:\)

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