Fireman1984 (3072914)
About Me
Im from Darmstadt which is in the south of the federal state of Hesse in Germany. Whenever the name Fireman1984 appears on a sims-website thats me.
I came to Sims after playing the Sim City-Games but i have only Sims 3 I never had Sims 1 and Sims 2 but i have for Sims 3 all expansion-packs except Katy Perrys Sweat Treats, Movie Stuff and Supernatural. For Sims 3 i sometimes also create custom content downloads. But only pictures for to hang on walls, rugs, wallpapers and doormats.
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ArtVitalexJan 01, 2018
Hi Fireman1984, firstly thank you for feedback and nicely comment on my Lafeyette Kitchen Accessories. First of all, I can say there is no problem. It is related to the direction of the objects or slot. I checked after you told me. And you're right. Big shelves dissappear in the walls of house. There is a solution to this. Rotation button. [ . ] point button and [ , ] comma button on keyboard. You can set press [ . ] and [ , ] button and can changing rotations of objects. Please try again and feedback me. HUGS*