FluffyAuntyDi (1193124)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (23 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

10 Rolling Hills Road
Published Sep 9, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (159 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Trinity Place Apartments
Published Sep 28, 2008
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About Me
My name is Diana I am almost 43 yrs old and am addicted to the sims 3 and building homes.I am pretty easy good and love to have fun!I play alot of sims,Ever since my first sims 1 game.I am married and just moved into a new home with my little taco bell dog named killer,my other dog named jerrylee, and my tabby cat named ozzy.I am also a empty nester my children are all grown and have moved on to lives of there own so i get plenty of time to sims and have a great time with my friends and family.I just hope everyone likes my creations cause i really enjoy making them.
My Latest Updates Show All
New Home Series Comming UpWritten Mar 13, 2010
Hey guys, I have decided the next serveral homes I create will be classic midwestern homes.I am from Iowa and Love the craftsman stly homes that is all around me where I live so Im hoping to bring some of that midwestern charm to the sims 3.I think homes in this area are beautiful and full of style and characterI just hope all of you will love them tooSo watch for them in... ...More
Im Finally BackWritten Mar 11, 2010
Hi everyone, After an extensive absence due to health issues I am so glad to be back making my sim homes.I missed making my homes and enjoying everything here at the sims resource.I love creating homes and seeing the beautiful creations other artists here make so that our sim towns are beautiful and filled with lots of care,and beauty.All of you at this site a wonderful! ...More
New Lots and a lil small town humorWritten Sep 26, 2009
Ok I sit at my desk playing my new sims 3,and then it occurs to me as I am looking at edit town that this is the first sims game that will not let you add new lots,and design your own town.So I go to forums and can't find anything,while getting frustrated I ask ea about it.Anyway long story short and with no answer where theres a will theres a way and a bulldozer lol.I do hope in the... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
DOTMar 28, 2010
Oh and thank you for the nice comment on the Tube lighting
DOTMar 28, 2010
Hi hi Thank you for liking the Curtains. I hope they work well for you.
AngelaMar 28, 2010
Hi there, Thank you so much for your comment! I hope your sims will
really enjoy it those pictures were taken on one of our holidays, so i am double glad you like them