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Foxi_ivey's Blog

good movie

x-men first class was a good movie.  It was flawed in context, but it was good.


really good, although the first scene made me think I was watching the wrong film XD

the unicorn cat story status

story status: on hold

this story will begin in OCTOBER after the sims 3 pets comes out due to overly important focus on the pets features.


as a heads up, this may end up being a rather girly story as it is about a girl a cat and a unicorn.

my sister the angel story status

story status: in developement

*NOTE: she is not a religous angel.  She is a girl who died, and rather than passing on to whatever afterlife there is, she became the guardian of her brother.  These are basically winged ghosts who get hurt each time the one they are protecting gets hurt or does something bad*

intro: not going to exist

part one: in progress

part two: nonstarted

Menace story status

story status: In progress

intro: published

part one: published

part two: published

part three: published then unpublished due to site diifficulties

part four: finished, to be submitted Monday

part five: in progress

part six: not started yet



technical difficulties

have caused Menace part 3 to be re-entered into a pending state. :( oh well.  for those of you who couldn't read it before it disappeared, basically what happened was: They figured out there was a spy watching them, then we introduced Joan, the mortal butler who is an old friend of OLiVE's and the only mortal the family trusts.

stupid media

it may seem like there are more natural disasters as we approach 2012.  Nope.  Those disasters would be happening whether or NOT the mayans ran out of room on their calendar.   The media is just blowing them up into something bigger than they are.  Our subconscious is linking the natural disasters to a superstition that is more easily understood.  and we believe there are more due to 2012 hype and  the fact that we are HEARING about more.  That hurricane coming?  hurricanes always happen, but due to our minds attempting to understand the forces at work, we think the hurricane is worse than it really is.  each disaster blown up by the media is just adding to the deception-even the media is decieved enough to freak out about everything.  CHILL OUT PEOPLE.  stuff happens all the time.


how have you all been liking Menace?  I know you haven't.  The ratings on all the parts have been mediocre, and almost nobody has been commenting.  Ha! As if anybody is even READING this.  TSR really needs some sort of messages system that lets you know when your bookmarked artists come out with new creations/stories/screenshots.  That would make life a lot easier.  It would also help my followers to actually NOTICE I'm back on the site after a period of inactivity.


but on the subject of commenting, I've been commenting a lot more recently.  I realised that while having no comments makes me feel bad, that means others want comments too.  So I give them comments :D


It's certainly been a long time since I started.  I was rereading the Famie legacy.  IT SUCKED SO MUCH.  luckily, my new stories are much better.  for those of you who actually read these, I want to get you straight on my story condition.


Menace:  Menace is a long-term project that is released occasionally.  It is a story full of plot twists, action, and mystery.  

My sister the angel: My sister the angel is a concept that may or may not reach a finale.  It is a story about a boy who was always getting into trouble, and his odd sister who would always warn him not to, urging him to do good.  when she dies of cancer she becomes her brother's guardian angel.

The unicorn cat: a story in the developement stage that will begin in a few months due to it's need for the sims 3 pets expansion.  It is about a kitten who goes to search for the unicorn, bringing with her a teenage girl that can understand animals.  The kitten was adopted by this girl soon after she was placed into the pound.  The girl was never allowed in school due to her special abilities, which led all others to believe she was crazy.

I'm back!

Okay, just wanted everyone to know I'm back.  The last part of Half empty or half full is up, and I'll soon be starting stowaway soulpeace and beta testing.


Fly away got messed up still.  sorry ghost lovers.

Latest Headlines

good movie the unicorn cat story status my sister the angel story status Menace story status technical difficulties stupid media so... well. I'm back! Agh
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