FoxyPink33 (1514760)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (21 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ginger Reyes red tutu outfit
Published Feb 14, 2009
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About Me
I love making/creating things for the Sims 2. I mainly love making outfits/clothing that the Spice Girls wore back in the peak of the spice days. I also like creating Smashing Pumpkins related items aswell. All spice girls clothing (and other content) used in pictures, screenshots and uploads are originals and all made by me, NO ONE ELSE MADE THEM. By the way, becareful of imiatators/posers; my work is all my own and I've been making Spice Girls Sims 2 items first before anyone else ever has. I love this site because they showcase amazing talented artists and their fabulous work Best of work is always free.
My Latest Updates Show All
itemWritten Nov 28, 2009
I know I said I have an MJ item coming, but now I'm not exactly sure about posting it. the thing is that I'm extremely proud of it, it's actually the item I'm most proud of making out of all of my items I've ever created, but I worry. I've had items stolen from me on the Exchange before and other calling my work their own (I've even seen them end up on youtube as well), so I had to remove... ...More
new items comingWritten Nov 05, 2009
hello everyone. I am pleased to say that I'm back and have more items for you all. right now I'm working on a MJ sims project. I am a huge fan of MJ and am very heartbroken over his death. so I am going to honor him in one way in sims form. I'm am making a couple of different outfits, so be on the lookout for new things from me and MJ stuff. ...More
More to come....Written May 05, 2009
I apologize for not being on very often lately. I've been busy with my new web site and working. I promise more Spice Girls stuff yet to come in the near future. So sit tight :) ...More
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srgmls23Dec 24, 2009
Christmas is the time to be with people who they like best, and time to share what life has to offer. i hope this Christmas there is health, peace, love and joy! I wish you a merry Christmas and a great New Year! hugs.. Sergio
srgmls23Nov 23, 2009
Olá (hi) , thank you for the lovely comment on my screenshot (Neverland)...I'm glad that you like it yes it will be for download bye and hugs Sergio
spicesimJun 02, 2008
I love the sequin outfits from the tour!!!