Fraeyalady02 (936134)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (357 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Vibrant Bathroom
Published Mar 8, 2007
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About Me
It has been some time since I have created. I enrolled in college back in 07, and that kept me busy getting back into the learning mode. Then I was diagnosed with cancer, and the battle is still uncertain, but I am certain that I will win it. I am looking forward to creating, I been stewing up some new ideas. Thank you to all that have been keeping their hopes up and positive support.
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Looking To begin againWritten Jan 17, 2009
It has been quite some time since I have last entered the world of recolor. With all of the new techniques and Ideas out there I am very eager to begin again. Here is to another round. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayAug 31, 2009
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing all your wonderful creations. You did a great job on them.
indibabsMay 05, 2008
i wanted to say how much i love your sets. you have a uniqueness about your coloring and i think it is beautiful. i too quilt and i liked the quilt pattern rooms very much. i donate some to the hope center, which used to be known as the crisis pregnancy center for teens, also im a veterinary assistant and i help rehabilitate abused pit bull terriers, the shelters enjoy the think quilted pads i make for the dogs and my dogs love them. i make them very thick and comfy. i also make some crocheted or loomed mats for them as well. something about yarn bedding they love even more, they just take longer to make. my daughter is 10 and i taught her to do this stuff at age 6. she helps by making her own matts to donate to the shelters.
thank you very much. i have you bookmarked now. you are really fabulous and i hope you are still designing!
real fan,
barbara in indiana ;-)
shakeshaftFeb 03, 2007
Hi, just want to say thanks for all your nice comments on my creations...Happy Simming !!...Andrea