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FreyanSam's Guestbook

DT456Jun 24, 2010

Okey, and thank you for the wishes! Wishing you a great weekend too! \;\)

flody888Jun 23, 2010

Hi FreyanSam! \:\) Thank you for letting me know about both of the programs. I don't think I can get to it anytime soon but I do hope to someday try them out. \:\) I've heard so much about Photoshop etc. but never really knew what it was capable of. Thank you for posting your gallery to give us a taste. \:\) And, yes, the boys had a nice time in Egypt. \:\) Unfortunately, one of the girls wet her pants though. \:P I don't understand why they don't stop playing football when they have to pee or eat or sleep! LOL Have a great week! \:\)

DT456Jun 22, 2010

Hihi! \:\) Is there any message you get when you try to reach 0other guestbooks?

DT456Jun 22, 2010

Okey! That´s bad! \:\(

flody888Jun 19, 2010

I can't wait to see what you come up with on your banner! I try to picture it but I really can't figure out how to tie it in together. I'm not very technical nor artistic. \:\( Thank you for pointing me to your blog! I also looked at your gallery and the graphic effects are AMAZING! What program did you use in your gallery? (Not that I'll buy it anytime soon but... \:D) Also, it's good to know that the gnome-charming thing isn't a one-off! Last, I love the new lot placement-thingy too! I just made a small campsite for me in Sunset Valley (my first lot) and I love it! (So do my sims who don't have the steel bladder reward! \:D) Have a beautiful weekend!! \:\)

fredbrennyJun 19, 2010

hey hey (((Freyan))), Thanks for all your comments on my screenies. Ambitions has kept me up for quite some nights now! \:D

DT456Jun 19, 2010

Hihi! \:\) Thank you for the comment! Still struggling with the guestbook problem? \:o

flody888Jun 17, 2010

Wow! 2500 pieces of junk? That's kind of a lot!! \:D A banner of explosions would be cool. Esp. b/c there's so many different colours and 'bloom/cloud' shapes that they have! And I totally agree about great expressions on sim faces! Plus there's always something new to find! \:\)

flody888Jun 13, 2010

LOL That screenie was so CUTE! I have to remember to 'listen' to my sims' conversations too. It's more interesting that way! Oh, and I agree with what you say about the game's patterns (esp. the new ones that come with the patch!). I like looking in the sim houses and I can barely recognize some of the patterns b/c the colours make them look so different! Hope you're having a super weekend!! \:\)

spitzmagicJun 11, 2010

(((Sam))) thanks for commenting on my sail boat. That is just too funny. I think I really...really like this new EP I haven't tried all the cool jobs yet. I do say the next one will be what ever the one your working on now because I just have to hear the two communicating with each other \:D Have a wonderful weekend \:wub\:

flody888Jun 9, 2010

Thank you for telling me about the junkyard! That's probably one place I'll be going to everyday to see what's there! \:D Oh,btw, I don't know how long you've had your banner up but it's beautiful! That's my favourite screenie of yours! The lighting on the tomb is gorgeous!

flody888Jun 9, 2010

Oh, sorry, I forgot! Thank you for your nice comment on my screenie too. \:D I love my twin toddlers. They will be growing up soon though! \:D

flody888Jun 9, 2010

Hello! THANK YOU for telling me about the pattern! I'm sorry you had to go through so much trouble though! I only know about a dozen by name, a dozen by artist only b/c they are my faves. It's hard to find something if you don't know the name. I saved your screenshot to remind me what it looks like - so different from the original!! I would never have seen that from the original preview! That's why I love screenshots! Everyone has their own special creative touch! Thank you! \:\)

caridinaJun 9, 2010

Hi Freyan! I hope you have nice summer-weather in Norway. Here where I live it is just perfect now \:wub\: Thanks for all your lovley comments on my new pics. Yes, Molly did that nice fish-sculpture. Liang just tried if he could blow up a sculpture and that scilpture Molly create stod there \:D He get trash from the blowings so he can invent more things. I hope you gonna have a great day \:rah\: //Sonja

DT456Jun 9, 2010

Hihi! \:\) Hehe, oblivious she gotta be in love with that guy! \:D

mrsimulatorJun 8, 2010

Hi. thanks for your comment on my Firefighting screenie!

IllandryaJun 7, 2010

Hi Sam! You're welcome \:\) Thank you for your comment on my "Victory" screenshot. I just wish I knew how he got the moodlet, I hadn't even noticed him at the washing machine!

spitzmagicJun 7, 2010

((((Sam))) thanks bunches, I really love the new hair styles they have in the new EP. Hope your weekend was a good one. Mine went by really fast as all of them do...\:rah\:

caridinaJun 6, 2010

Thanks for all you lovley comments on my pics from Twinbrook Freyan. I'm glad you like them. Your pics from Twinbrook is amazing \:wub\:

badangel^^^Jun 5, 2010

Hey, Freyan \:wub\: Thank you for your comments! I hope you're enjoying your weekend and having fun with the new EP! \:wub\: Take care!

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