Fuggs (2694457)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Scarlet McKenna
Published Aug 6, 2009
About Me
The Sims 3 was my very first Sims experience. I became instantly hooked on the game and enjoy decorating houses and creating Sims. TSR is my #1 resource for custom content and inspiration. I would love to try my hand on creating my own CC some day, but for now I just lurk here.
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Jaws3Feb 21, 2015
Hi there! Thanks for your comment on my lot, Winslow Creek, I'm glad you like it! You are certainly not the first person to have trouble finding lots with custom content in your gallery. What you need to do is open up advanced options in your gallery (a button underneath the "Category" and "Sort By" filters), and make sure "Show custom content" is checked. Hope this helps!
Happy simming. -Jaws
WallarohOct 27, 2010
Hi Fuggs,
thank you for your comment on my Honey-Home. The kitchen curtains are from the Cottage Curtains Set form Simsdesignavenue. http://www.sims3.simsdesignavenue.net/avenue.php?lg=EN&rub=ct_rideaux. You find it under curtains - cottage curtains.
AngelaSep 09, 2010
Hoi Fuggs, bedankt voor je reactie op mijn ceilingtrims. De gordijnen zijn ook van mij. Ze zijn onderdeel van de Modern Nursery set. Fijne dag verder!