Fuzzb (685646)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (92 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

pink lady crushed ice lip gloss
Published Mar 23, 2006
About Me
We bought the Sims for my daughter several years ago, and I soon found myself hooked on the game as much she was. I'm a designer and enjoy creative endeavors, so before long I was spending hours on getting and making skins. Once the Sims2 came out, we bought it right away, and well of course you have to make new skins..
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sim-lover09Aug 01, 2009
your creations are amazing!!!
FuzzbAug 21, 2007
Every now and then the issue comes up with my long silky hair that Big Bad Shar's mesh doesn't work with it... it's one of those mistakes I made that I wish I could go in and fix. The hair mesh for the long silky blond hair is actually Brianna's from welldressedsim.com, it's also available here at TSR from Marco. You can download it here: http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Marko/downloads/sims2/meshes/
Sorry for my mistake, and happy simming!
Ashley_ilu<3Apr 02, 2007
Nice downloads! Love it!