Gondor235 (1139062)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Natalia Vodianova V.2
Published Feb 27, 2012
About Me
I love the Sims (1,2 and 3), I love computers, clothes, and music! I love making celebrity Sims in my free time and I hope you will download them and enjoy them as much as I have
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Gondor235Feb 25, 2012
Hello to anyone reading this! I have come back To TSR momentarily with two new uploads, the first is a redone version of my Natalia Vodianova Sims for the sims 2, it looks much better than the older one and I would love for everyone to download it! The second upload is my first Sims 3, Sim upload and it is a surprise, but all i will say is she is an up and coming singer and she is fantastic!
bosnombeharJan 15, 2009
Okay thanks for the help. I hope they will return, too! Bye!
bosnombeharJan 11, 2009
Hey, how do you got your downloads to appear on the new site? My sims are gone, I'm really devastated!