Hubs (2945387)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

MSC Alpha - Hubs
Published Oct 14, 2010
About Me
Hello! Well, i love all the creations here, and i have to say I reccomend this webpage and his autors for they creative spirit. Now, i'm going to upload some houses that i will make, but don't spect from my anithing of design, what i like most, because i don't know how to work making new things! Only beautiul houses. Enjoy it!
(I really like Writing, painting designing and if i could, i would dance and play the guitar)
My family in the game is called: Isenbeck. I play wit one of the two brothers, Salvador, and a friend, plays with Charles, his brother. After, we married and had a lot of children (I = 6; My Friend=3). Are all special, and i like them all.
Thanks for Reading, Hubs
My Guestbook Show All
sbrizoloneJul 22, 2010
Thanks for your comment on Beast's castle Have a nice day and welcome on TSR!