IvoryM (2347691)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

SunnySide Mansion
Published Jan 28, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

144 Sunnyside Estates
Published Feb 15, 2009
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Besides studying and writing, I hang out with my fiancee. I love to write (I will be getting more stories up as soon as I can) as well as a passion for creating homes for my sims, which I love to be able to share with this community (My fiancee has first dibs on my houses before they are up on here though.)
Please have a peek at my screeshots, stories, and my Sunnyside Estate Houses collection, for those of you who love old style Victorian houses, large gardens and ponds for your sims to enjoy (all comments appreciated). New Sunnyside Houses will be coming wth the Sims3.
Drop a note in my guest book if you feel inclined to do so...
Thank you for stopping by
Miss IvoryM
My Latest Updates Show All
Thou hath returned... along with new house designs and stories!!!Written Sep 22, 2009
Greetings to one and all... Yes, I have been away for some time now, moving house and studies does seem to steal precious time away from me to my dismay! But I am back, with new house designs as well as new screenshots and stories to go along with them too. I had some wonderful feedback from my last story which was flattering and made me feel all warm and fuzzy!! Keep an eye out for... ...More
Helloo, my Stories and Houses are coming... Promise...Written Feb 16, 2009
Greetings all and helloo... Just thought to let all who read my stories that they are coming along but I will be beginning my studies for 2009 very soon so there will be a little bit of a 'lag' with my new stories and house creations. If you have any requests for a particular house or lot, please let me know and I will see what i can dig up from the dusty cob-webs of my brain. God... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
mensureMar 16, 2010
Hi, thanks for your comments on my "Home Theater Set". Some pieces of this set are recolorable. Happy simming!
TugmeLFeb 28, 2010
Hi Ivory, thank you very much for your nice comment. I'm glad that you like it. Have a nice day..
IreneGouretFeb 17, 2010
Hi! Thanks a lot for commenting on my "Elfin Fairytale" I got hair and clothing from different sites (I uploaded Charles and Aurora and I listed all links there).