Jaegerjeff (1184019)
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PenelopeTJul 16, 2010
Hi there, welcome to TSR! Thanks for downloading my 'Oceanview Gazebo'. As for it morphing into the land due to Ambitions, I am not sure what to tell you. I know that there was an issue with lot spaces that are placed via the new option with Ambtions, caused an issue that made it possible for lot spaces to overlap onto roads and other parts of land that it shouldn't have. Therefore, it would cause any home/community lot that you placed, to not place correctly. The latest patch is supposed to fix placing on lot spaces correctly. I have not personally experiemented with placing my own lot spaces in the game, so I can not tell you for certain that the issue is completely fixed. As for my community lot, there is nothing wrong with the lot itself, that I know for sure, as I use all of my own lots in my game as well. Maybe try and putting it on an empty lot that came with one of the neighborhoods to test whether it places correctly, then that will give you the answer you were looking for. Good luck and hope this helped!
TheMistress666Sep 20, 2007
Hey Jaegerjeff! Welcome to TSR! and may i thank you for the lovely comment on my lot! im really glad you like it... The phonebooth? that is mearely a "feature" of the lot...erm... yeah. However, what you can do, is in the cheat menu type in moveobjects on and you will be able to move the booth to the front of the lot.. lol! Have loads of fun! xXxClairexXx