Jaellra (2755905)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Modern Victorian - 3br, 2.5ba
Published Sep 18, 2009
About Me
Hi! I just started playing Sims 3 about 4 weeks ago. I've mostly played MMORPG games on the computer. Never played a Sims game before. Love it! So far I mostly mess around building houses, it's a blast. Not sure what else to post, still learning concerning building houses and lots, tried my hand at patterns and meshing but I suck so far;p~ I used to do alot of computer graphics, not so much anymore. Spend my time reading, watching a few TV shows, working, and now playing Sims 3!
My Latest Updates Show All
Decorating HousesWritten Sep 18, 2009
So I've noticed, I tend to use the same colors when I'm decorating the inside of houses I create. Bathrooms tend to be some form of green or blue. Bedrooms green blue or mauvey. Kitchens light tan for the most part. I tend to make dens some form of dark colors, brown or blue. Living rooms green or blue again. Then there's the outside decorating. I always want to put a pool, pond, and garden... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
DOTOct 24, 2009
Hi hi Thank You very much for your feedback on my Victorian Cafe Set. Have a wonderful weekend!
cemreOct 10, 2009
Hiya Jaellra Please forgive me for my late response on your guestbook , I wanted to say thank you soooo much for your lovely comment on my vingrona bathroom set, /Hugs Cemre
AngelaOct 08, 2009
Hi again Thanks for your comment! Much appreciated