Jalee&Maggie (5424154)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (41 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Nov 22, 2013
About Me
We've been best friends for half our lives and we love playing games together. Our mutual love of The Sims 3 has recently led us to wanting to share our creations with each other and other people.
My Latest Updates Show All
Fall--and all its holiday themes...Written Oct 11, 2013
It's officially fall where we live. The high temperatures are in the 80s (we'll get cooler by the end of the month, but summer means 90s and 100s!) and the lows in the 50s, the pumpkin flavored coffees are out, the autumn-themed beers (for which DH is so grateful) are on the shelves, and I have dug my ratty pink fuzzy slippers out of storage. IT'S FALL! I've seen a few people blog about the... ...More
Oops, forgot to update! Written Oct 02, 2013
Maggie and I have been working so hard over the weekend to build more lots for our fellow Simmers, I almost forgot to post an update -- I was able to fix Meadowland Court! After 2 revisions, it's finally done! Well, as of September 29th, anyway. Please go see --> HERE! Now, I can rest easy and help Maggie create some beautiful homes for your beloved Simmies! ♥Jalee ...More
Revised resort lots, finally! Written Sep 28, 2013
I'll start by saying, I'm a complete newbie when it comes to submitting my lots here at TSR. I've been so happy to finally be able to share my creations with you all. Unfortuantely, the CC used in my resorts (and my residential lot) did not export into my pacakge files like they should have. This causing an enormous amount of items being replaced in my lots! I was horrified to find this out... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
TakdisDec 27, 2014
Hello! Thank you so much for your nice comment on Villa Venus. I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
DOTDec 22, 2014
Happy Holidays to you and yours JaleeMaggie! Wishing Peace and Chocolate to the world!
DOTDec 15, 2014
Hi Thank you for the nice comment on my Pot Ceiling Lighting. I'm very glad you like them Your Chamomile Garden looks so inviting. I love it! Thank You!