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JayCaz's Guestbook

AlyoshaDec 26, 2008

Hey there! Thanks so much for the lovely comments you left on my creations! \:D I really appreciate\:D it and I promise that there will be more to come! \;\) Until next time, Alyosha. \:cool\: \:\) And MERRY CHRISTMAS! \:rah\:

Vinchenzo 1Jun 15, 2008

Hi JayCaz me again I saw the letter you left me and yes I heard about the Golf tour and yes I hope it's going to be a fun filled holiday hope your Pugs are doing ok and I haven't had time to play sims this season but now that it's holidays I'll be sure to let you know hear from you soon bye... \:\)

drewsolteszJun 14, 2008

Thanks so much for reading and commenting on 'An Honorable Knight' I have a new story, 'Ship of Dreams' would be honored if you read and commented, cheers Jay!!\:\)

monk9193Jun 6, 2008

thank you for your comment on my atlantis base\:rah\:

tey711May 26, 2008

Hello JayCaz, You are being modest -- I know there are others; just read your guestbook! \:rah\: \:rah\:

srgmls23May 23, 2008

ola(Hi) \:D Thanks so much your comment at my screen "Paradise Beach" i've really like it!!\:wub\: Sergio \:cool\:

hiedibear75May 23, 2008

Well that's good. Ya never know how things will be taken.....what with the lack of nuances of speech and facial expressions.\:P \:cool\: I told my roomie that "when they hand out 12 gauge shotguns to all the 12 point bucks.......THEN I'll call it a sport.\:P \:cool\: Well hears to the sport of PC gaming (no animals were hurt in the playing of The Sims2 LOL disclaimer \:D ).\:P he he he he he he

tey711May 23, 2008

Oh, and by the way... you were wrong! "Criminally Cartwright" would'nt rate a 4.0 -- to many reader's it is a 5.0! \:D \:rah\:

tey711May 23, 2008

Hello JayCaz, I love tapestrys! After all,"Life is just a Tapestry" you know!(LOL) I'm so pleased to know we have more to look forward to from you! \:rah\: My personal time has also been tapped into by others lately and I also understand about the time it takes for what I call 'mulling' things over. That is what happens to me when I'm processing things on a subconcious level while moving about in a day-in, day-out conscious state before creative ideas surface. I'm also having to spend time in the game to tweak creations for future TSR submissions as well as take tutorials to learn how to do things I want to incorporate. I just wish I had more time to devote, but I do have to work for a living! \:\) I have you 'bookmarked' as one of my favorite artists so I will be staying tuned!! \:D

arwen_moonfairyMay 23, 2008

I only just have seen your picture comment -which I thank you for!- so this is late, I know. It wasn't a glitch, surprisingly. One of my sims teleporting near a window, and her arm just happend to pass through. Lucky shot, I suppose.

eshuffMay 22, 2008

\:P and THANK YOU for the "breadcrumb"! \:D Gratefully received -- and made me laugh which is wonderful! Another, enormously talented artist has been trying to help me improve my screencaps -- I tend to include too much distracting stuff in the backgrounds. -- Beth

eshuffMay 22, 2008

You're welcome -- I know all about RL getting in the way, believe me! Your work is a breath of fresh air, so I'm really looking forward to more. And to answer your question, "Drew" is drewsoltesz, one of the TSR SA's. -- Beth

qvisnMay 22, 2008

I wondered where you had gone, thanks anyway, im sure cinders will be having her minisite up at the weekend, she works full time and is pregnant tired at night,so she has to wait for time off. I hope you had fun.\:D

tey711May 20, 2008

Hello JayCaz, I for one will be waiting for your next installment, and the last time I noticed I'm not alone, so don't disappoint us! \:D You have a natural knack at writing and many do not, so don't give up on that. Focus on your talent and not ratings because they will never be as important as those who are following your storyline and want to read more of your writings! Remember that! \:rah\: \:\)

qvisnMay 19, 2008

Hi Jay, can i ask a favour? would you bookmark my pal cinderellimouse as we are trying to get her a minisite, she is close. Thanks.\:P

cariadbachMay 18, 2008

\:\) Hi , thanks for taking a look at my In The Bag Shot. Its the first time I had seen the gypsy with her bag . Hope your week-end is good\:D

hiedibear75May 17, 2008

I was kidding you about your blog.\:o \:P \:cool\: You said some people think you should "grow up" because your in your 40's and still like playing video games.......well I think playing games is a fine hobby. \:D My friend Brice told an officer. "Oh I'm sorry......I'm used to seeing officers wearing red jackets and riding on a moose". It was funny at the time and so now that's kinda what I picture any time I think of Canada. \:cool\: I meant it all in fun I can assure you. \:P \:D I was just trying to be silly. \:P \:cool\: Have a nice day.\:cool\: Oh & PS if I'm with you.......if the animal doesn't have a gun......it's not a fair fight. \:mad\: \;\) \:D

snowangel993May 17, 2008

Thanks for your comment on my screen shot! \:D No, she didn't get mugged \:rah\:

Arelly LizetteMay 16, 2008

Thank you for reading the story!!\:P \:\)

xbluexmistxMay 16, 2008

Well... Wow was actually a bit of both. Wow at the story, and wow what a freaky nutjob \:\) (In a totally good way!)

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