JellyFaceJadeTrent (5668387)
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I can't edit my profile.Written May 18, 2014
Hello there, Just wanted to ask people how to edit my profile, so that I can change my picture to one of the pictures that I have uploaded here. So far my profile just looks plain and I would like to jazz it up a bit, so any help here would be most appricated. And I am betting that it is going to be something so simple, isn't it?! Oh well, please comment if you... ...More
TheSimsResourceWritten Oct 25, 2013
Has the Sims Resourse just gotten even better? I have just looked at stuff, and it seems like they have made everything free, is this true? Please can someone comment here and tell me if this is true?! I just want to know because I want to download everything here, as there are so many great ones on the premium downloads, and I can't afford Premium, so if this is happened, I will be so happy. ...More
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SIMcredible!Jul 02, 2014
Hello ^◡^ We are glad you enjoy our creations! Thanks for your comment ◕◡◕ Wish you have a wonderful day and happy simming
Bby-LMay 22, 2014
You're welcome
Bby-LMay 22, 2014
Hello there..I read your blog. And you can edit your profile on account setting. You can change your banner and avatar from 'Profile' tab. Hope it can help. Have a nice day ^^