Hey Simmers! I have a new poll up on my profile page. It's in relation to the new TS3 EP, Ambitions. So if you are hungry for some kudo's or just enjoy taking a poll then stop on by! :)
Also I just read some where that one of the many objects added into the new EP is a trampoline. Awesome! Who doesn't enjoy jumping on a tramploine. Hee, hee... I have a feeling that this EP is going to be a fun one!
Below are the results to my previous poll:
Question: Have you jumped on the Twilight bandwagon?
Yes | 45.88% |
No | 55.29% |
Question: If so, have you read the books?
Yes | 38.82% |
No | 36.47% |
1 or 2 of them | 4.71% |
I read them ages ago! | 15.29% |
Question: Did you like the books or the movies better?
The books | 40.00% |
The movies | 15.29% |
Both | 18.82% |
Chow for now ~ Jen.