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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

luckyoyoDec 25, 2011

Merry Christmas And A Healthy And Happy New Year To You And Your Family!

martoeleDec 16, 2011

\:D Merry Christmas y Happy New Year 2012. \:D I wish you and all your beloved ones, Peace, Love, Light and Health.

SIMcredible!Dec 16, 2011

Hello! We wish you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year full of joy, love, health, smiles, fun and blessings. Happiness for you and yours \:D \:wub\:

Ewelnina1Jun 8, 2011


simsjeanieApr 26, 2011

Dear Jen, I feel so sorry that I couldn't post my Easter wishes for you in time (due to a broken not working internet connection). But I hope you had a wonderful Easter time and lots of chocolate bunnies and eggs! \:wub\: Here comes a late little chocolate bunny especially for you - wearing a spring green ribbon with a shiny tiny brass bell on it! Have a great time and lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie, \:wub\:

luckyoyoApr 24, 2011

Hi Jen, Happy Easter to you!! wishing you a wonderful day!!:wub\:Dee xxx

PralinesimsApr 24, 2011

\:rah\: Happy Easter! \:rah\:  

DOTApr 24, 2011

~ O ~Happy Easter ~ O ~ 

fredbrennyApr 22, 2011

Jenn \:wub\:  It means a great deal to me that you are reading my story \:wub\: Thanks for the great comment... and I can imagine you have some questions too \;\)

LilyOfTheValleyMar 24, 2011

Hi Jennifer \:\) Thank you very much for your sweet comment on my round table dining set. I'm very happy you like it. \:wub\:

RatRaceRobMar 20, 2011

Fond greetings to you, Jen! Thank you for the sweet compliments on 'Hood(2) \:wub\: ... the impending Jesse/Gwen meeting should be, um, a night to remember, to be sure \;\)... and oh yes, we here on the set are also quite pleased that Jono and Dani are still getting along... the pair of them are a really big pain in the furry butt when they're not. Lol:P

spitzmagicMar 13, 2011

\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

spitzmagicMar 13, 2011

((((Jennefer)))) thanks girlfriend for all your awesome comments. I loved them all. I really enjoyed working with those Sims. How have you been, I sure miss you...wishing you a marvelous week

fredbrennyMar 12, 2011

(((Jenn))) !!! Thanks soooo much for reading and commenting on Bubbles' B&B! The guests will come and go... during 1 chapter... I hope they learn something and bring it back home with them! That's the idea of the B&B. Lots of famous simmies have booked a room already... Maybe one of your characters like to be up there some time? \;\) HUGGGG|S, Fred \:wub\:

Icia23Mar 9, 2011

Hi Jennifer! \:D Thank you so much for your lovely comment \:\) take care \:wub\:

RatRaceRobMar 6, 2011

Hellooo again, Jen, and thank you so much for the wonderful compliments on Welcome to the Childhood ((and that visit to the Sam Sekemoto promo, too... he's pleased you're not one of those he needs to worry about touching his stuff \;\) ))... I am very happy you enjoyed it :P

topaz27Mar 4, 2011

Hi Jen, Lovely to hear from you \:wub\: do hope things are going well for you and your bf \:\) any news on selling your house and car, and how is it going with getting your new business started, I still think it's so lovely your working together \:wub\: well I am sending you both lots of best wishes for everything and lots of hugs too \:\) hope you have a great weekend and at least a little bit of relaxing time \;\) take good care, Topaz \:wub\:  

spitzmagicMar 4, 2011

(((Jen))) It's good to see you...hope all is well, thank you so much for stopping by to read TILYF and leaving me your awesome comments. It is good to see you. The last one is near...wishing you a wonderful weekend.\:wub\:

YrS92Mar 3, 2011

Hi Jen \:\) Thank you for your great comment on my simself, it makes me really happy that you find her that pretty, considering she is meant to look like me \;\) I'll stop by your blog soon to catch up on The Drifter, it's been too long... Have a great day, hugs, Senja

sleeplessFeb 28, 2011

You are welcome, February is a good month to be born on \:P Unfortunately I will have to wait till next year to have a real birthday \:D

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