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Jennifer_R's Blog

Taking photo's in CAS?

Hey there simmer's, this may seem like a silly question but would anyone be so kind in telling how you take photos while in CAS? I've got sims I'd like to upload and it would be nice to have some snapshots that I can play around with before submitting them.

Thanks so much! ;)

Profile Banner question

I've created a banner and would like to upload it. I know the size is 940x150 pixels but the program I'm using is MC Powerpoint and it only allows me to resize in centimeters. I googled a conversion on the sizes and it seems a little big. 940x150 pixels is 198x31.75 cm??? This dosen't seem right to me. 

Just wondering if anyone can help me with this it would be much appreciated. Thanks so much!

Sims 3 Expansion Poll Results

Hey Simmers, I have had a great response from my latest poll and would like to thank everyone for participating. It seems people playing the Sims 3 are egar for an expansion pack to add a bit more sugar n' spice to their sims lives. I've seen on the internet that a few sites claim they think they know what the first expansion is going to be or that they have seen a test of it but I'm not so sure, honestly I think I'd like a suprise!

The question was 'What similar Sims 2 Expansion do you think Maxis will bring out first for the Sims 3? 

University      6.25%
Nightlife    15.63%
Open for Business      9.38%
Pets    18.75%
Seasons     31.25%
Bon Voyage    12.50%
Free Time       3.13%
Apartment Life      3.13%
The 'Stuff Packs'    18.75%
Something totally new & different    21.88%
Don't really care I'm still playing The Sims 2    12.50%
Not sure    15.63%


Happy Simming everyone! ; ))

Thought's on the Sims 3 Workshop

I'd like to know your thoughts on the new Sims 3 Workshop/tool etc. This is all new to me but since the Sims 3 came out with create-a-style I've absolutely loved it. I've read through the Sims 3 workshop info about the tool and also read through some of the forums but it all seems a little confusing. Plus I don't have photoshop on my laptop yet so untill I get that I'll probably have to hold off. I'd love to know how people are finding it though.

Look forward to reading your thoughts. (About the Sims 3 Workshop that is! :o)

New Poll

Hey fellow simmers! I've just added a new poll. It's in relation to the first expansion for the Sims 3. I'm so curious as to what it will be and when they will release it! (Probably getting a bit ahead of myself).

Don't get me wrong I absolutley love the Sims 3 but there are many things that I miss from the Sims 2 while playing the Sims 3. One of the many things I miss is a spa for my sim. This may be a luxury item but I think everyone puts one of these in every sims house they build. It's a great social interaction for the sims. Well we'll just have to wait and see won't we. 

Chow for now ;)

Goodbye The Sims 2

I have said my final goodbyes to the Sims 2. :( I completely uninstalled every expansion and then the very first disc. I decided to copy the screenshots folder so if I want to reminisce on the good old days I can. I uploaded my last Sims 2 screenshot to my profile page too.

I've had so much fun with the Sims 2 and am thankful for the laughter and tears (not really tears but when the grim reaper comes along to take your sim away it's a bit sad) it has brought me over the years. If I had holidays I would spend a couple of days just simming away on my laptop. It is one of my favourite past times.

I remember when I first stumbled across TSR. I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread (and still do). I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw so many creations. All the artists have such amazing individual flair. I went on a crazy downloading spree thanks to them and my Sims had never lived so luxuriously. My download folder got so big and the game felt like it took forever to load up that I had to take some of the downloads out. Those were the days...... well I guess it will start all over again with the Sims 3.

Farewell the Sims 2, my memories of you will last forever xoxo :)

Sims 3 poll results

Below are my Sims 3 poll results. Thanks everyone who paticipated! ;)

The question was 'What is the first thing you want to do in the Sims 3?'

I want to create a sim    57.14%
I want to build    23.81%
I want to explore the neighbourhood    28.57%
I won't be able to doing anything cus I'll be too excited     4.76%
Not sure     9.52%

My copy of The Sims 3 has arrived!

Finally my copy of The Sims 3 has arrived. Just got a call from my boyfriend saying that the delivery arrived at his store! I'm currently at work (damit!) and very egar to get home. As soon as that clock hits 5pm I'm out the door! It's a long wkend here in Australia so I'll have plenty of time to play.

Can't wait to load it up and check it out!

Happy Simming ;) 

New Poll - The Sims 3

Hi Simmers! Just letting everyone know that I've created a new poll for anyone who wants to vote or maybe you just need some extra kudo's.

Chow for now ;)


Family's Poll Results



Here are the results from my Family's Poll.

Thanks everyone who participated.


I play Maxis family's                               6.25%

I play my own family's                          62.5%

I play both                                         31.25%

I play other people's family's                      0%



12 days and counting till The Sims 3!







Latest Headlines

Taking photo's in CAS? Profile Banner question Sims 3 Expansion Poll Results Thought's on the Sims 3 Workshop New Poll Goodbye The Sims 2 Sims 3 poll results My copy of The Sims 3 has arrived! New Poll - The Sims 3 Family's Poll Results
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