JordanDoucette (238413)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Attached Garage Country Home
Published Dec 24, 2007
About Me
Out on our own, living with my fiance in our first place together is really exciting. We're hoping to get married soon. I completed my associate's degree for Computer Information Systems and I'm currently working on a second for Business Administration because I enjoyed the business classes that were required for my first degree so much. I enjoy music, writing, cooking, dining out, movies, hanging with friends and playing computer games!
My Guestbook Show All
JordanDoucetteOct 09, 2006
Thank you very much. I've been looking at floor plans and remodeling them for the sims. Since laundry rooms and pantries aren't really a fit.
chellefleurOct 02, 2006
great house