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KadriWright's Guestbook

Fletch69Oct 8, 2012

Thanks!! Love all your creation and the diamond ring i just love love!! keep up the good work!!

anics606Nov 11, 2011

Hey! I LOVE your ring creations... they are absolutly beautiful!

DOTDec 23, 2010

~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

lisfyreDec 20, 2010

Hi Kadri!! Just want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  I hope your holidays are filled with warmth, love, joy and peace for this season and always.

spladoumDec 16, 2010

You know me ... couldn't write a sentimental Christmas story if my life depended on it! \:D :P

zuribintiNov 26, 2010

Thank you for the reply.

ioname2youNov 26, 2010

i love your rings

lilahastingsNov 20, 2010

Hi ! Thanks for signing my guestbook ! \:wub\: I appreciate it a lot ! \:D

spladoumNov 17, 2010

Awww \:wub\:  That is so sweet of you to say. \:D  I'm very very happy that you enjoyed reading it. \:\)

spladoumNov 8, 2010

Do let me know if you can't get it installed. I've had a few people tell me that although it downloaded and installed via launcher, it doesn't show in game, and I'm not really sure why that would be, but I want to get it sorted out if I can.

spladoumNov 6, 2010

Hi Kadri! Just wanted to let you know that I actually DID build a shotgun house in the middle of backwoods Twinbrook, and it's on my minisite if you want to see it! \:D

RatRaceRobNov 2, 2010

Fond greetings, Kadri, my commenting friend!  You have been fabulously kind with your compliments on Flipside (4), thank you so much for your praises *blushes* ((and for your patience, lol! \;\)))... I suppose if I split the episodes in two I'd be able to get one out closer to once a week, but I still find I just can't bring myself to do it that way... It's good to know you find the series so worth the wait-- and don't worry, my little rat brain is old, too, feel free to forget anything you like, I'll likely forget you forgot!!! \:confused\: \:D \:D

spladoumOct 28, 2010

You should have seen my face when I clicked on the elevator to send an elderly Sim home and instead got the option to "woohoo" with the VIP bouncer, whom he had just befriended! \:eek\:  (He didn't! :P)

RatRaceRobOct 26, 2010

Greetings again, Kadri!  I see you have visited Jesse's attempt to rock ((Spladoum's)) Gwen Glover off her feet-- Thank you for your kind words and smiles, I'm really glad you enjoyed it \:D... Jesse would do a dozen of those if he thought it would win him Gwen lol \;\) :P

lilliebouOct 26, 2010

yes! late night is on october 29! =D

spladoumOct 25, 2010

Yeah, I sorta want to build a wee house right next to the busted rails ... you see shabby shacks dying a prolonged death next to railroad tracks a lot in the country.  I know that people live in them (don't know how ... ugh), so maybe it could be a starter lot? \:\)

RokosariOct 24, 2010

well if youve noticed i love all of your 'different' ear rings haha \:D i love them because i wish i had the exact thing myself lolz xD well i sure hope you make some more because i love em an awful much \:D happy simmingz!!!

mutskeOct 24, 2010

Hi Thanks for the nice comment, I'm glad you like my Kitchen clutter. Have fun decorating \:wub\:

spladoumOct 18, 2010

Oh, they've done that before--I think they dedicated a whole forum to it! \:D http://forums.thesimsresource.com/forumdisplay.php?f=613 I doubt I'd win though--there are WAY better creative minds out there!

spladoumOct 18, 2010

I could definitely do it--the hardest part would be getting the sim in the car to look at the officer--though now that I think about it, when I see people pulled over, they're usually staring straight ahead and sulking.  Heh heh.  Really, as long as the officer was in position that wouldn't be too hard of a screenshot to get at all!  I'll let you know when I do it. \:D

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