Created for: The Sims 2
This is a Set with 19 Creations - Click here to show all
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
a collection of bowls, plates etc.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/534280
ItemID: 534280
You find a little tut how to decorate the objects like shown in preview in the Installation Intructions
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This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Installation Instructions:
For those who ask themself how we get the decorations on surfaces:
First of all you need the following cheats:
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false to move the objects out of the grid
moveObjects on to move the objects on an place where is allready another object placed.
Than you will need socalled "invisible Surfaces"
Put your decoobject on the Block - move it on the place where you want it and finely
using the designtool to make the surface invisible after you are done.
You can find Invisible Surfaces in my Kids and Nurceryset, in the PB Entryset are the Invisbles for Coffeetable and Endtable (fits also for Diningtables), Counter in the Espressoset, for Stoves in the PB Kitchen and there are also a bunch in the PB Dining.
Wishing you fun with cluttering up your Simshomes.
CEP Required!